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G2 Profile + Tourial Integration


  • Increase buyer engagement with interactive tours on your G2 Profile
  • Give future customers the confidence and education to convert faster
  • Optimize your profile for conversion and capture more leads  

This integration is for customers with paid G2 Profiles who are also customers of Tourial.

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How it Works

Embed Tourial interactive product demos on your G2 Profile to guide and educate buyers in their purchase journeys.

  1. Build your product demo in Tourial. We suggest creating a new tour or duplicating an existing tour to use on your G2 Profile.
  2. Paste URL to Product Profile > Interactive Demo in my.G2. 
  3. You may also add this URL to your profile’s custom CTA in Buyer Activity > Leads > CTA Settings. 
  4. Your Tourial interactive demos display in the Media section of your G2 Profile. 
  5. Collect qualified leads and track conversions driven from your G2 demo. 

Explore the Integration Guide to learn more or get started with the integration in my.G2.


Business Impact

Accelerate your sales cycle

Educate future buyers on your product without the need to speak to a sales rep or visit your website. Meet and educate buyers where they are shopping to yield higher conversion rates.

Showcase product value

Give buyers a glimpse into how your product(s) work without leaving your G2 listing. Put your product into future customers' hands and capture leads directly in your demo.

Next Steps

Already a G2 customer?

Activate this integration: log in to my.G2  > Product Profile > Interactive Demo.

Not a G2 customer yet?

Talk to a rep today to get access to this integration.

Not a Tourial customer yet?

Get in touch with someone at Tourial to schedule a demo.


About the Partner

Quick Links


Year Founded: 2019
HQ Location: Atlanta, GA
