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G2 Syndication + Microsoft

  • Display G2 Reviews on your Microsoft marketplace listings 
  • Increase the reach of your authentic G2 Reviews 
  • Build credibility with software buyers and help them make informed decisions  

All Sellers listed on Microsoft and G2 benefit from this G2 Syndication partnership. 

Learn More

How it Works

Microsoft marketplaces, Azure, AppSource, and Portal, now feature G2 Star Ratings and Reviews of any software business that has listings with both G2 and Microsoft.

Azure helps businesses accelerate a move to the cloud and fully adopt cloud-based operations. The marketplace houses thousands of certified app listings to give access to top partner solutions, optimize procurement, and streamline deployment. 

AppSource solves challenges with app solutions tailored to build innovation and productivity within Microsoft products. 

Once a business becomes a Microsoft partner, Portal enables the building, management, and monitoring of everything from simple web apps to complex cloud applications in a single, logged in experience.

G2 and Microsoft customers can leverage this partnership to demonstrate market credibility on profile listings, drive engagement, and ultimately convert prospects into valued customers.


Business Impact

Drive listing engagement and conversions

Offer your buyers information and social proof from their peers to easily find and confidently purchase your software. Marketplaces displaying G2 Star Ratings and Reviews convert at a higher rate than those that do not.

Strengthen credibility and buyer trust

Maximize the benefit from your G2 Profile which has been authenticated and verified through the G2 Trust Process. Meet your buyers where they’re already shopping, and let customer ratings and reviews build unparalleled trust with your buyers.

Increase your brand visibility and meet more buyers

Diversify your online presence and grow your reach by ensuring your G2 Reviews are displayed in one of the world’s largest software marketplaces. 

Next Steps

Want to grow your G2 Profile reach?

Talk to a rep today and learn more about the benefits of G2 Syndication.

Want to be a G2 Syndication partner?

Contact our Partnerships team to learn more about integrating with G2.

Want to be listed on a Microsoft marketplace?

Get in touch with someone at Microsoft to partner. 

About the Partner
