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Similar to the tags [eating] and [food] but focused on infants that don't eat on their own yet.

6 votes

Are there automatic dripping milk feeders?

Then was to be a slow drip feed, the equivalent of her normal feeding oz/per bottle feed now oz/hour. … Uncomfortable, needs to be maintained if she pulls it out, and also the whole mechanism of feeding sucking and holding the bottle is part of her motor skills development. …
Rich Homolka's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Non-nutritive sucking during feeding?

We're new parents, so a lot of "simple" questions. Our boy does a lot of non-nutritive sucking during feedings. His pattern is usually 10 minute feed (or occasionally 10 minute non-nutritive suck …
Rich Homolka's user avatar
2 votes

Non-nutritive sucking during feeding?

So, answering myself in case someone else bumps into this. We found that it was more nipple-tongue placement. As new parents, we weren't super conscious of their tongues yet. Their tongue was blocki …
Rich Homolka's user avatar