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We empower customers to

Continuously monitor your security control policy by measuring coverage, effectiveness, and performance.

Continuously monitor your security control policy by measuring coverage, effectiveness, and performance.

Report on critical security initiatives and performance via our Cyber Controls Scorecard.

Report on critical security initiatives and performance via our Cyber Controls Scorecard.

Govern security adherence to NIST CSF and other frameworks & regulations.

Govern security adherence to NIST CSF and other frameworks & regulations.

How we help

How we help

Panaseer measures of the effectiveness of your security controls across ten security domains, so you can highlight successes and identify areas of improvement. Once you understand your controls posture, the platform enables you to report it more effectively, take action to reduce risk to the business, and ensure good governance by validating your controls.

The insights you need for proactive security

Security posture management
Prioritize security risks
Evidenced remediation
Cyber asset inventory
Vulnerability analysis
Patch analysis
Endpoint analysis
IAM analysis
PAM analysis
User awareness analysis
Application security analysis
Cloud posture analysis

How confident are you that your controls are working as expected? Get a true picture of your security posture with:

  • Prioritization of security issues based on business risk
  • Accurate metrics that track performance against internal security policies and regulatory requirements
  • Total visibility across IT assets and security controls

CISOs and their teams are being stretched to breaking point. Make the most of your limited resources by:

  • Automatically prioritizing vulnerabilities based on business context
  • Tracking remediation against recognized frameworks (e.g. CIS, NIST) and your organization’s security policies
  • Continuously measuring controls coverage and identifying gaps in protection

Do you rely on subjective ticketing systems as proof of remediation? Remove doubt by getting an accurate picture of remediation across multiple security areas, with the ability to:

  • Codify security policies into the platform to monitor remediation against your own risk appetite
  • Improve accountability with a trusted view of asset owners and evidenced remediation status
  • Get a unified view of security risk to improve prioritization

You can’t protect assets you can’t see. Our trusted cyber asset inventory is the first step to active cybersecurity posture management, providing insight across your environment, including: 

  • A consolidated view of assets, people, and accounts for use across IT, security and risk teams 
  • Full business context around asset ownership, location, and criticality (e.g. crown jewel assets) to improve prioritization 
  • A trusted picture of your attack surface that helps identify gaps in other systems, such as your CMDB 

With more than 25,000 CVEs published in 2022, how do you prioritize? We improve the efficiency and impact of your vulnerability management by:

  • Automatically contextualizing new and existing vulnerabilities, so you can prioritize remediation based on business risk
  • Providing evidence of burndown and tracking progress against security policies and SLAs
  • Continuously analyzing scan coverage to highlight control gaps and missing assets

With more than 25,000 CVEs published in analyzing and prioritizing patches on thousands of assets can’t rely on manual effort. We can help improve efficiency and effectiveness by:

  • Automatically applying business context to patching data to improve prioritization, such as identifying business-critical assets
  • Measure performance against security policies to identify trends in patches applied outside SLAs
  • Combining data from security and business tolls to continuously monitor all devices and their patch status

Using multiple tools to secure your endpoints increases complexity and can create coverage gaps. The Panaseer platform combines data from across security and business tools to give you:

  • Improved prioritization by enriching endpoint data with business context
  • Understanding of your endpoints’ compliance with security policies and standards, including AV and EDR version checks
  • A trusted, unified view of endpoint protection, including vulnerabilities and control gaps

The complexity around identity management creates headaches for CISOs. We bring clarity by combining data across security, HR and business tools, giving you:

  • Contextualized understanding of risks stemming from identity management, prioritized based on business impact
  • Understanding of whether identity best practices are being followed, including MFA and use of single sign-on
  • Automated analysis of how identity management and remediation complies with internal policies and SLAs

Are you sure you’ve got an accurate view of access privileges? And are users complying with policies? We bring clarity by enabling you to:

  • Analyze the paths to gain admin rights within your estate to improve risk mitigation
  • Contextualize and prioritize risks from privileged access by correlating data with critical business processes
  • Automatically measure PAM remediation status and track progress against policies and SLAs

Anyone can accidentally cause a breach. We measure user awareness and reduce risk by combining security and employee data to give you:

  • Automated analysis of user awareness aligned to security frameworks and your policies and standards
  • Understanding of which employees pose the biggest risk, such as those with access to sensitive data who repeatedly fail phishing tests
  • Improved prioritization by correlating user awareness and other security tool data to highlight critical risks

AppSec requires trade-offs between security and business continuity. Without data to quantify risk, CISOs can’t influence these critical decisions. Get unique insight into AppSec risk by:

  • Combining data from AppSec, HR, CMDB and business tools to prioritize risk based on business impact and criticality
  • Linking security reporting data to application owners to improve accountability
  • Providing evidenced reporting that flaws are being addressed against security policies, frameworks and regulatory obligations

Multi-cloud environments can be complex and overwhelming. It’s no surprise that up to 70% of cloud security issues are due to misconfigurations.

Our cloud security analysis gives you:

  • Business context on misconfigurations so you can understand criticality and prioritize fixes
  • Evidenced understanding of remediation status against security policy SLAs
  • Identification of cloud accounts not covered by secure configuration scanning

Try our free Coverage Tool

Try our free Coverage Tool

How do you find and fix control gaps? Panaseer’s free Coverage Tool uses data science from our full CCM platform to show which of your assets aren’t protected by your:

  • EDR tool
  • Vulnerability scanner
  • Asset manager

Try it today. No credit card required.

“Panaseer has allowed us to gain the insight we need into our security controls to always know whether they’re adequately deployed and operating effectively.”

Rob Hyde, CISO at Schroders

Book your demo of Panaseer

Find out how to improve your security posture management using Continuous Controls Monitoring.

Our team can give you a tailored demo of the Panaseer platform, including the metrics and dashboards that enable you to prioritize resources and accelerate remediation.