
Email notifications

Standard Emails

  • Posts. Every new post on P2s will be emailed to every P2 member, unless you have opted out of email notifications.
  • Comments. Comments on posts can also be emailed but only if an member has opted in by clicking on the follow button at the bottom of a post.
  • Likes. You will also recieve an email whenever someone likes one of your posts or documents.
  • Invitation accepted. If you are an admin you will receive an email whenever someone has accepted your invitation to join your P2.
  • Access requested. If you are an admin you may receive emails with the message: “user requested access to your private site.” Clicking through you can allow or ignore the email. This happens in some cases where you have invited a user with one email address and they prefer another one

Managing P2 Emails

P2 notifications will be sent to the email address registered to your WordPress.com account.

To update your email address, visit your Account Settings or check out our Email Address guide for more information.

Account notifications sent to this address include:

You can change your activity notification preferences on the Notifications Settings page.

Can I reply to comment notification emails?

Yes. Comment Reply Via Email allows you to send a reply to a comment directly from the comment notification email.

Can I reply to likes or follow notification emails?

No. You cannot reply to any emails that come from donotreply@wordpress.com.

What if the emails are not getting through?

If you’re not receiving notification emails:

  • First check to make sure you are the author of the post.
  • Check the Discussion Settings page to make sure email notifications are activated.
  • Check the Notifications page to be sure you haven’t blocked all emails from WordPress.com.
  • Check the spam folder in your email program to make sure the messages were not sent there by mistake.

If you are still having trouble, please contact Support for help and include an example of a post URL where you expected to receive a comment or other notification.

If you’re using Gmail, please check out our Gmail troubleshooting guide.

#layout-hide-tags #to-polish

P2 Tags widget

Using tags is a great way to categorize your content. The Tags widget allows you to display the most popular ones on your P2’s sidebar.

How to add the Tags widget to the sidebar

  1. Open the Customizer from the P2 options menu.
  1. In the Customizer, select Widgets. You may also need to select the widget area Primary Sidebar.
  2. Click Add a Widget.
  3. Select P2 Tags.

Once the widget is added, there are a couple of customization options:

  1. The title.
  2. How many tags are shown.

Remember to click on the Save Changes button to publish your changes!

#layout-hide-tags #term #to-polish

P2 Team widget

The Team widget allows you to display your team members on the sidebar. Your own profile will appear first (but only for you; other users will see themselves first) and clicking on each photo will take you to the list of posts published by that person.

If you are an Administrator you’ll also be able to invite new members from here.

How to add the Team widget to the sidebar

  1. Open the Customizer from the P2 options menu.
  1. In the Customizer, select Widgets. You may also need to select the widget area Primary Sidebar.
  2. Click Add a Widget.
  3. Select P2 Team.

Customizing the Team widget

This widget has a few options.

  1. Title.
  2. Number of people displayed in the widget.
  3. Customize which roles should be represented in the widget.

Remember to click on the Save Changes button to publish your changes!

#layout-hide-tags #to-polish