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Changed "plant indicator" to "indicator plant" and fixed a few typos.
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Would this plant indicator"indicator plant" question be on topic?

While doing gold panning in the outdoors, how is it possible to use plant indicatorsindicator plants to assist me with finding gold along water courses?

A simple definition of a pantan indicator plant can be found here.

In particular I would like to know is how I could possibly use horsetail to assist those doing gold panning?

Horsetail is used as an indicator for wet and poor drained sites and is often found in sandy soils.

Some sitesites claim that horsetail can and has been used as aan plant indicatorindicator plant to aid one in finding gold!

My question is this: How can one know the differences between what makes a site possibly gold bearing over one that inis simply wet, poorly drained and/or sandy, while using horsetail as a plantan indicator plant?

Note: I will put in better sources (I hope) in aan actual question on main, if this question is deemed on topic.

Would this plant indicator question be on topic?

While doing gold panning in the outdoors, how is it possible to use plant indicators to assist me finding gold along water courses?

A simple definition of a pant indicator can be found here.

In particular I would like to know is how I could possibly use horsetail to assist those doing gold panning?

Horsetail is used as an indicator for wet and poor drained sites and is often found in sandy soils.

Some site claim that horsetail can and has been used as a plant indicator to aid one in finding gold!

My question is this: How can one know the differences between what makes a site possibly gold bearing over one that in simply wet, poorly drained and/or sandy, while using horsetail as a plant indicator?

Note: I will put in better sources (I hope) in a actual question on main, if this question is deemed on topic.

Would this "indicator plant" question be on topic?

While doing gold panning in the outdoors, how is it possible to use indicator plants to assist me with finding gold along water courses?

A simple definition of an indicator plant can be found here.

In particular I would like to know how I could possibly use horsetail to assist those doing gold panning?

Horsetail is used as an indicator for wet and poor drained sites and is often found in sandy soils.

Some sites claim that horsetail can and has been used as an indicator plant to aid one in finding gold!

My question is this: How can one know the differences between what makes a site possibly gold bearing over one that is simply wet, poorly drained and/or sandy, while using horsetail as an indicator plant?

Note: I will put in better sources (I hope) in an actual question on main, if this question is deemed on topic.

deleted 3 characters in body
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Ken Graham
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While doing gold panning in the outdoors, how is it possible to use plant indicators to assist me finding gold along water courses?

A simple definition of a pant indicator can be found here.

In particular I would like to know is how I could possibly use horsetail to assist those doing gold panning?

Horsetail is used as an indicator for wet and poor drained sites and is often found in sandy soils.

Some site claim that horsetail can and has been used as a plant indicator to aid one in finding gold!

My question is this: How can one know the between differences inbetween what makes a site possibly gold bearing over one that in simply wet, poorly drained and/or sandy, while using horsetail as a plant indicator?

Note: I will put in better sources (I hope) in a actual question on main, if this question is deemed on topic.

While doing gold panning in the outdoors, how is it possible to use plant indicators to assist me finding gold along water courses?

A simple definition of a pant indicator can be found here.

In particular I would like to know is how I could possibly use horsetail to assist those doing gold panning?

Horsetail is used as an indicator for wet and poor drained sites and is often found in sandy soils.

Some site claim that horsetail can and has been used as a plant indicator to aid one in finding gold!

My question is this: How can one know the between differences in what makes a site possibly gold bearing over one that in simply wet, poorly drained and/or sandy, while using horsetail as a plant indicator?

Note: I will put in better sources (I hope) in a actual question on main, if this question is deemed on topic.

While doing gold panning in the outdoors, how is it possible to use plant indicators to assist me finding gold along water courses?

A simple definition of a pant indicator can be found here.

In particular I would like to know is how I could possibly use horsetail to assist those doing gold panning?

Horsetail is used as an indicator for wet and poor drained sites and is often found in sandy soils.

Some site claim that horsetail can and has been used as a plant indicator to aid one in finding gold!

My question is this: How can one know the differences between what makes a site possibly gold bearing over one that in simply wet, poorly drained and/or sandy, while using horsetail as a plant indicator?

Note: I will put in better sources (I hope) in a actual question on main, if this question is deemed on topic.

added 48 characters in body
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Ken Graham
  • 9.6k
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Source Link
Ken Graham
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