Policy Lab

The foundation of the Open Climate Campaign is policy reform. Once all national governments, funders, and environmental organizations require open access for the research outputs that they fund, we anticipate a swell of open access climate research. We are also driven by the fact that this work cannot wait. We urgently must address the climate crisis and therefore must advocate for the development and swift implementation of strong open access policies.

We want to work with you!

The Open Climate Campaign provides free training, policy development, and support for organizations who wish to develop and implement open access policies and approaches. Policy reform is a collective action that has tangible results.

National Governments

To date, we have had the pleasure of working with over 15 national governments across 4 regions.

National Governments Locations Map - Americas (3 Countries), Europe (3 Countries), Africa (6 Countries), Asia (3 Countries)
National Governments Locations Map - Americas (3 Countries), Europe (3 Countries), Africa (6 Countries), Asia (3 Countries)

Policy Profile on Botswana

Our Open Climate Campaign partners, EIFL collaborated on a national open science policy in Botswana. Watch this short video with the Secretary of the Botswana Open Science Policy Working Group and Chair of the Botswana Library Consortium, Naniki Mphakwane, about the policy development process for open science in Botswana.

Environmental Organizations

We are actively seeking environmental organizations to collaborate with on the development of open access policies for research and other outputs. Please nominate an organization you think we should work with or self-nominate by contacting us.

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