OnTheGoSystems News

Bigul Malayi Takes the Stage at WordCamp Ahmedabad 2023

WordCamp Ahmedabad took place on the 9th of December and unfolded its grandeur as one of the largest gatherings in the WordPress community. I, Bigul Malayi, usually immersed in the day-to-day dynamics of our WPML Support team, found myself in a different role at this event. Here, I had the unique opportunity to step up as a speaker. Speaking at WordCamp Ahmedabad: A Personal Account I got an invitation from WordCamp Udaipur organizers to join a panel discussion titled "Nurturing...

December 15, 2023

Prosenjit Barman on Whisking Together Tech Solutions and Serving Excellence

From the alleys of Chittagong to the avenues of client support, Star of the Month Prosenjit Barman gives us a taste of his diverse skills, infectious enthusiasm, and passion for overcoming every challenge. Prosenjit, can you tell us a bit about yourself? Hi, I'm Prosenjit from Chittagong, Bangladesh, fondly known as the “port city”. I live here with my family, which includes my parents and younger brother. I also have an adorable niece, who spends a lot of time in...

November 30, 2023

Andrés Cifuentes on Climbing the Ladder of Success at OnTheGoSystems

Andrés Cifuentes started at OnTheGoSystems offering client support in multiple languages, but his ambitions didn't stop there. Now thriving in the Compatibility team, Andrés shows us how a thirst for learning and a love for technical challenges led him down a path of continuous advancement. Andrés, can you share a bit about yourself, your background, and interests? Sure, I'm Andrés, living in Spain for the last nine years. I'm settled in Sevilla with my wife and our three cats. I...

November 30, 2023

Marcel Tannich Takes the Lead: A Story of Initiative and Team Growth at OnTheGoSystems

As a fully remote company with team members spread across over 45 countries, we take immense pride in teammates who go above and beyond. Marcel Tannich, a valued Support team member at OnTheGoSystems, has done just that. By harnessing the power of individual strengths and passions, Marcel improved workflows and elevated the entire Support team to new heights. Marcel, can you tell us about your initiatives and their impact on the Support team’s work and efficiency? Our team's recent success...

November 30, 2023

Remote Team, Local Meetup: OnTheGoSystems’ Cape Town Get-Together

In a world where remote work is our everyday, there’s something extraordinary about meeting face-to-face. This year, our Cape Town crew decided to shrink the virtual gap and step out from behind our screens to share laughter, stories, and the city's charm, together. The Journey from Solo to Seven About a year ago, I, Dean Jones, was the lone South African at the company. Although I always felt at home alongside my cosmopolitan group of colleagues, I always wondered when...

November 29, 2023

WordCamp Madrid 2023: Meeting the Community and Each Other

This year, our team had the pleasure of attending WordCamp Madrid, one of the largest WordCamps in Europe with over 600 attendees. It was an excellent opportunity to connect with our Spanish clients and have some fun together. The main venue hall at WordCamp Madrid 2023 Meeting People is Easy - and Fun! With a large WPML community in Spain, we decided to host a booth at WordCamp Madrid. This gave us the chance to talk...

November 10, 2023

Team Leader’s Survival Guide To a Month-long Sabbatical

An opportunity to take a month-long leave is a great privilege, but can be a bit tricky for team leaders. Here's a story of how it went for our Chief Customer Officer, Amit Kvint, and Content Manager, Dario Jazbec Hrvatin. At OnTheGoSystems, anyone that's been with the company for 7 or more years gets a special benefit - an extra, paid month of vacation they can use whenever they like. This is a great way to reward people who've been...

October 31, 2023

How Radu Constantin Breaks Free from Office Walls with Remote Work 

At OnTheGoSystems, working remotely comes with a multitude of benefits. For our developer Radu Constantin, choosing your workplace represents the biggest perk. Whether sipping coffee in a cozy cafe in Romania or coding away in a bustling coworking space in a different country, Radu’s remote work journey tells a story of flexibility. The beauty of remote work lies in the boundless benefits it offers. It is a gateway to work-life balance, allowing you to tailor your work environment to your...

October 30, 2023

Nigel Anderson on Rural Living, Remote Working, and Relentless Learning

Tucked away in the peaceful Irish countryside, our Star of the Month Nigel Anderson shares a slice of his life, his role at OnTheGoSystems, and what keeps his motivation ticking in a remote work setting. Nigel, could you give us a glimpse into your life? I'm English, but live in rural Ireland with my Irish wife, 2 teenagers, 3 cats, 4 hens, and a dog-shaped absence that we hope to fill in the new year. I'm surrounded by green, with...

October 30, 2023

From Support to Systems: Ahmed’s Goal-Scoring Journey at OTGS

Ahmed Mohammed first became an OTGSian in 2014, but a lot has changed since then. Transitioning from the early days of assisting clients to now crafting code for system enhancements, Ahmed’s journey of growth is dotted with learning curves, motivation, and a team that cheers for every win. Ahmed, tell us about yourself. My name is Ahmed Mohammed, though people often call me Nagdy due to the abundance of people named Ahmed in Egypt! I live in October City, just...

October 30, 2023