Rikki Schlott

Rikki Schlott

About the Columnist

Rikki Schlott is a New York Post columnist, News Features reporter, and author of "The Canceling of the American Mind." Schlott completed a research fellowship with the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE) and co-hosts the Lost Debate podcast. She covers higher education, women's issues, freedom of speech, and popular culture.

The Archive

It's gross for the Biden campaign to use his COVID diagnosis as a clickbait tactic

Some 150 million people saw Biden's “I’m sick” tweet Wednesday night. Only 19 million saw the context-revealing follow-up that dissed Elon Musk.

US college students can't name Father of the Constitution, have shocking gaps in civic knowledge: survey

Universities might be churning out the next generation of progressive activists, but when it comes to civics they’re straight up illiterate.

Dems in denial: Progressives gaslit us about Biden's age for years — now they're admitting the terrifying truth

Just because a media source you don’t like points something out doesn’t mean it’s not true.

Dem voters desperate to move on from Biden share candidates they'd rather vote for: 'Can't go through with this guy'

These Democratic voters want Biden to step aside. Here are their picks for his replacement.

Meet the Jewish Americans who feel abandoned by Dems, now voting GOP for first time

Some lifelong Jewish Democrats feel an explosion of left-wing antisemitism has pushed them to re-register as Republicans — and consider voting for Trump.

Woke warriors need to quit moralizing reality TV and accept it for what it is — riveting trash

Reality TV is supposed to be trash. Quit trying to moralize it.

Gen Z patriotism is at a record low — and here's why no one should be surprised

A Gallup poll from last year found that, while four in 10 American adults overall say they are extremely proud to be an American, just a measly 18% of those...

Veep's desperately 'youthful' pandering is too cringeworthy to be presidential

In a desperate attempt to appear hip and to appeal to young voters, Kamala Harris instead made everyone cringe during a cameo during the BET Awards.

Undecided voters unimpressed with Biden, Trump after first presidential debate: 'Considering voting third party'

The Post talked to undecided voters in battleground states and got their reaction to the face-off — and Biden’s shocking performance.

As an independent voter and Gen-Z woman, here's what I want to hear from Donald Trump

At Thursday's debate, Donald Trump can court disillusioned young voters by leaning into the economy and immigration — while quelling our fears that he's too divisive.

Self-immolating serviceman Aaron Bushnell is an alarm for the online radicalization of American kids

The 25-year-old serviceman's political trajectory, propelled by social media and internet rabbit holes, is one that young men can fall into online.

These Gen Z 20somethings were raised progressive — but they won't be voting for Biden

“I was your typical Tumblr leftist, and I was raised on gender theory through social media,” says Becky Oliveira — who now plans to vote for Donald Trump.

It's vile that girls are followed by men on social media — but why do parents let them be influencers?

Don't want your teenagers followed by creepy older men on social media? Stop enabling it.

Bill Gates' great $1B commitment to nuclear energy should be a wake-up call to climate progressives

Nuclear power could be America's saving grace — if progressive activists would stop kneecapping its spread. Bill Gates is smartly fighting back with his wallet.

My kids were kicked out of Catholic school — after being too patriotic

A California mom says administrators took issue with her teen son's vocal love of America.

We're libertarians who refuse to vote for the party's ridiculous presidential candidate

Libertarian candidate Chase Oliver has advocated for open borders and defunding the police and defended gender-affirming care for transgender kids as “the status quo.”

Here's how Columbia University needs to draw the line between activism and discrimination

This week, Columbia University settled a lawsuit filed by a Jewish student who claimed the school failed to protect them. Now it's time for the school to educate students on...

As Ivy League prioritizes 'activism at expense of academics,' other schools rise to top for employers

Post-October 7th, employers are scrambling to find new hires from schools that didn’t devolve into protest chaos.

If a remote Amazon tribe got addicted to social media in just nine months, none of us stand a chance

Tech is so pervasive that it’s easy to forget a time before we all got hooked on our devices. That’s what makes it so depressing to see the same fate...

The new campus protest trend? Pop-up summer camp, as anti-Israel group vows, 'We will be back'

Pro-Palestine protesters erected another encampment on Columbia's campus and disrupted Alumni Weekend. Now they're vowing to continue a "summer of disruption."