Produce Stores POS System

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Produce Store POS System

Point of sale (POS) systems help produce sellers do their jobs more efficiently. When you work with items like fruits and vegetables, you have to set the prices yourself. Small produce stores and stands usually can’t afford the same resources as big companies. While the chain stores use technology to handle sales, smaller businesses get left behind. National Retail Solutions has changed the game with the POS+ point of sale system. Our POS system includes an all-in-one cash register and management tools, so you can focus on keeping up with the chain stores and growing your business.

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Benefits for Produce and Fruit Stands

Features for Produce Stores

If you have a produce store, you sell a variety of fruits, vegetables and other products. You must organize all of your items and get customers through the line quickly. When you use our POS, you don’t have to pay a lot of money to make business easier. The POS+ has features for stores such as:

  • Pricebook Management: Our system already comes with many popular items in its pricebook, including fruits and vegetables. If the system already has a product you sell, you can select the item and edit the price per unit. The POS+ also lets you add more items to the pricebook at any time. Even your own unique in-store items can have buttons on your POS.
  • Department Sorting: Keep track of the produce and other item types you sell by sorting them into departments. You can create different produce departments or track non-produce items. This will allow you to see which departments are selling best in the store statistics.
  • Quick Check-Outs: We make the check-out process easy. Use the one-click item feature to create quick buttons on the POS touch screen for popular fruits, vegetables and other products. The system also allows you to create your own promotions for items (Ex. Buy 2 and Save). During checkout, the system automatically adds discounts to the total for you.
  • Store Statistics: The Store Statistics screen shows you which item departments earn the most money. When you record your sales and vendor purchases in our system, the system calculates your profits for you. You can learn which parts of your business make the most profit so you can focus on them more.

Why Choose POS+ as Your Produce Stand POS Software?

We designed POS+ to give produce stands the same POS technology options as big chain stores. In addition to critical features like store statistics and card processing, we offer extra conveniences to your and your customers. Enjoy these advantages of picking POS+ as the POS system for your produce stand:

BOSS Club loyalty program

The BR Club loyalty program works exclusively with the NRS POS+ System. With the BR Club, you can give your customers the hottest discounts on big brands at no cost to you!

Learn More About the BOSS Club Loyalty Program

BOSS Local App

The BR Club online ordering app enables customers to order from your store online! The app takes all of the products you have scanned onto your NRS POS and sorts them into categories. Customers can then order from your store and pick up their order when it’s ready for fast and easy checkout.

Learn More About the BOSS Local App

my nrs store app

Take your produce stand's POS system with you wherever you go. With the My NRS Store app, you can manage POS+ using your phone or tablet from anywhere you can access the internet. Manage your vendor relationships, track sales and inventory, and manage users and settings.

Learn More About the My NRS Store App

NRS Pay: Low Rate Payment Processing

Take Credit Card Payments at a Low Flat Rate

Not every customer keeps cash in their wallet. If you don’t take payment cards, you can lose business to bigger produce stores. Through NRS Pay®, our credit card reader charges a flat rate of 2.49 percent, plus 10 cents per purchase. It has the latest chip technology and takes all major payment forms. Businesses that process over $10,000 every month can save even more money on their charges. The POS+ card reader comes free with a three-year agreement.

Grow Your Produce Business With Us

We partner with community businesses to help them succeed using our POS and services. Buy POS+ online today to get started. If you need specialized equipment or more than one service, ask us for a quote.