Om oss

Yara dyrker kunnskap for å brødfø verdens befolkning og ta vare på kloden. Vi arbeider for å oppfylle vår visjon om et samfunn bygget på samarbeid, en verden uten sult, og respekt for kloden vår. For å møte disse forpliktelsene, har vi tatt ledelsen i utviklingen av digitale verktøy for presisjonslandbruk. Vi samarbeider tett med partnere i hele verdikjeden for mat for å utvikle mer klimavennlige løsninger innen plantenæring, og vi arbeider for å gjøre produksjon av mineralgjødsel mer bærekraftig. Vi har en åpen bedriftskultur som vektlegger mangfold og inkludering, som fremmer sikkerhet og integritet hos våre ansatte, leverandører, forretningspartnere og samfunnet for øvrig. Yara ble grunnlagt i 1905 for å bøte på den økende sulten i Europa. Selskapet er tilstede over hele verden med om lag 17.000 ansatte og drift i over 60 land.

10 001+ ansatte
Åpent aksjeselskap
Mineral fertilizer, Environmental solutions that prevent air pollution, agriculture, food security


Ansatte i Yara International


  • Yara International la ut dette på nytt

    Vis profilen til Svein Tore Holsether, grafisk

    President & CEO at Yara International

    It's a great day for the decarbonization of food production, as we announce our long-term partnership with PepsiCo in Europe.   To tackle the climate crisis, we need a bold shift, one that involves all players in the food value chain. Together with PepsiCo Europe, we are demonstrating that this transformation is possible.   We will support up to 1,000 farmers across Europe by supplying them with our premium fertilizers, including low-carbon footprint fertilizers produced from either renewable ammonia or ammonia produced with carbon capture and storage, as well as precision farming digital tools, and best-practice crop nutrition advice. This will help farmers increase nutrient use efficiency, boost yields and reduce the carbon footprint of their crops.   Yara will deliver up to 165,000 tons of fertilizer per year to PepsiCo, covering around 25% of their crop fertilizer needs in Europe by 2030, reducing up to 80% of fertilizer production emissions and 20% reduction of in-field fertilizer emissions, while maintaining crop quality and yields.   This partnership is a testament to what can be achieved through collaboration across the entire food value chain. I'm incredibly excited about partnering with a first mover like PepsiCo and the journey ahead.

    PepsiCo Europe and Yara partner to decarbonize crop production | Yara International

    PepsiCo Europe and Yara partner to decarbonize crop production | Yara International

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    ✨It's a great day for the decarbonization of food production in Europe!✨ Today we are launching a long-term partnership with PepsiCo in Europe to provide farmers with best-in-class crop nutrition products and advice as well as precision farming digital tools. 🤝 This partnership will allow PepsiCo's farmers to: 👨🌾 Increase nutrient use efficiency 🌾 Boost yields 👣 Reduce the carbon footprint of their crops The focus will be on potatoes, a key crop for PepsiCo, and then expand to other crops such as oats and corn. Approximately 1,000 farms across Europe and the UK will be included in the partnership. 🥔 This collaboration underlines our shared commitment to build a more sustainable food system in Europe, while supporting farmers through transition costs to ensure their livelihoods are not adversely impacted. 🧑🌾 Learn more 👉

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    Vis organisasjonssiden til Yara Africa & Asia, grafisk

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    On World Youth Skills Day, we celebrate the power of youth in shaping a sustainable future! 🌍🌏🌱 At Yara Africa and Asia (YAA), we are proud of our Yara Leadership Academy (YLA) for micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs), which empowers young agricultural leaders. We currently support over 1,500 agricultural retailers in Kenya and India, enhancing their skills to better serve farmers and boost their businesses. Through the bespoke Plus-One program in Uttar Pradesh, India, female family members join the training, fostering women's empowerment in agriculture 👉 🌾 This initiative is part of our commitment to Growing a Nature-Positive Food Future, addressing #prosperity and #sustainability. Together, YAA is building resilient communities and promoting sustainable practices for a better tomorrow. 💚 Learn more about the Plus-One program 👉 #WorldYouthSkillsDay #YaraLeadershipAcademy #NaturePositive #FoodFuture

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    Last month, we proudly inaugurated our renewable #hydrogen plant at Herøya Industripark AS in Porsgrunn, Norway! This marks a major milestone for Yara Clean Ammonia and Yara International in decarbonizing the food value chain, shipping fuel, and other energy-intensive industries. Our 24 MW plant, the largest of its kind in operation in Europe, uses renewable energy to produce hydrogen through water electrolysis, cutting 41,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions annually. 🌿💧 Collaboration is key to the green transition, requiring significant investments, advanced technology, and robust renewable energy infrastructure. 💡 At Yara Porsgrunn, we’ve cut emissions by 67% since 2005 and we are committed to delivering decarbonized solutions at scale for a sustainable future. 🤝 Interested to know what renewable ammonia looks like? Check out the picture below to see the first drops of renewable ammonia produced last autumn. 👇

    • From left Svein Tore Holsether and Jonas Gahr Støre at Yara's 24-MW renewable hydrogen plant at Heroya, Norway.
    • The first drops of renewable ammonia produced at Yara's 24-MW renewable hydrogen plant at Heroya Autumn 2023.
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    At Yara, we're committed to increasing visibility and support for our LGBTQIA+ colleagues, and that's why we celebrate Pride Month. 🏳️🌈 Throughout June, we proudly held workshops, participated in celebratory events, and created arenas for insightful knowledge exchange sessions. And by participating in these activities, our colleagues made their support for the LGBTQIA+ community loud and clear. 📢 But our support does not stop in June, we're advancing LGBTQIA+ equity and are committed to increasing visibility and support year-round. 🤝 Specifically, we're striving to build a company and an industry where everyone can thrive equally, without distinctions. To do so, we are creating precise targets to foster a safe environment for all our employees and stakeholders... and Yara's Pride Employee Resource Group is a shining example of this! 🎯 Thanks for your commitment to creating a safe and inclusive space for all, Yara colleagues! 🌈 #PrideMonth #KnowledgeGrows

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    Vis organisasjonssiden til Yara Africa & Asia, grafisk

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    Transforming the Food System: Discover Yara Africa & Asia (YAA)’s Commitment 🌱 At YAA, we are shaping the future of agriculture across three continents. 🌍🌏 Our unwavering dedication to #sustainability drives inclusive growth, empowering 51.4 million farmers, including 5.4 million women and youth, and supporting over 90,000 micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in the region. Together, we have nourished 138.5 million lives, enhancing livelihoods and promoting sustainable practices. 💚 Explore more about our initiatives 👉 and learn how Thryve Innovation CoLab accelerates solutions for smallholder farmers, addressing challenges, and being a catalyst for positive change throughout Africa and Asia. 💡 Join us in advancing agricultural #innovation for a sustainable future. ✨ More information can be found on our latest sustainability reports 👉 & #YaraAfricaAsia #NaturePositive #FoodFuture

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    The 8th edition of the Champion Coffee Program recently took place in Mexico, and for the first time ever, it was also held in Guatemala! 🏆 The Yara Champion Program is an initiative that gives coffee producers the opportunity to compete and receive national and international recognition for their dedication and hard work in producing high-quality coffee. 👨🌾 This program reflects Yara's commitment to farmer prosperity. We support coffee farmers every step of the way, from planting to marketing their coffees. 🤝 Meet the winners of this year's Yara Champion Program in Mexico: ☕"Natural" Category:  🥇Gold Cup: Francisco Ortiz Cortés 🥈Silver Cup: Martina Luna Gaona 🥉Bronze Cup: Helina Tress Marini   ☕"Washed and Honey" Category:  🥇Gold Cup: Erick Isaí García Cortés 🥈Silver Cup: Helina Tress Marini 🥉Bronze Cup: Mónica Frankenberger Martorell A huge thank you to everyone who participated, and congratulations to the winners! Together, we're building a more sustainable and inclusive future for agriculture! 👏 #YaraCHAMPIONProgram

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    For the second year in a row, Yara partnered with Oslo Pride and, at the end of June, we hit the streets of Oslo, standing strong in support of the LGBTQIA+ community! 🏳️🌈 Together with 70,000 people, we celebrated and demonstrated solidarity and allyship. 🤝 But our support does not stop here, we’ll continue to pursue our mission of strengthening diversity, equity and inclusion for Yara and society as a whole. 🌍 Specifically, we’re striving to build a company where everyone can thrive equally without distinction. To do so, we are creating precise targets to foster a safe environment for all our employees and stakeholders. 👏

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    Say hello to this year’s summer interns at Yara Porsgrunn! 👋 This summer, the Porsgrunn industrial site and Yara Technology Center are buzzing with fresh minds! We've welcomed 13 students, each bringing their unique talents and knowledge from a diverse range of backgrounds. 📚 During the summer, the interns will dive into hands-on, meaningful projects and work collaboratively to find innovative solutions to real-world challenges. In addition, through workshops and on-site visits, they will gain a deep understanding of Yara’s operations and the industry. 💡 We’re thrilled, and lucky to have you with us, Yara Posgrunn interns! We hope you make the most of this opportunity! 👏

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  • Yara International la ut dette på nytt

    Vis profilen til Svein Tore Holsether, grafisk

    President & CEO at Yara International

    Jeg har skrevet i NRK Ytring om behovet for forutsigbarhet møte med uforutsigbarhet. De politiske partiene i Norge er nå i gang med å utarbeide politikken landet skal styres etter frem mot 2030 i det de utvikler nye partiprogram. Disse programmene er kontrakten med velgerne og derfor prosesser vi alle bør engasjere oss I fordi de berører de samfunnsspørsmålene vi er opptatt av. Vi er inne i en tid som trolig blir mer krevende enn på lenge, fordi vi blir stadig flere eldre og færre i arbeid, vi får flere oppgaver å løse, men samfunnet har ikke nok arbeidskraft til å løse dem. Når aktiviteten på sokkelen avtar trenger vi flere bein å stå på. Klimamålene vi skal nå i 2030, er ikke langt unna. I møte med disse utfordringene trenger Norge et sterkt næringsliv og næringslivet trenger forutsigbarhet, stabilitet og moderasjon. I en verden som preges av større splittelse og polarisering, både mellom land og innad i land, er politisk stabilitet en av de viktigste verdiene vi har. Usikkerhet i andre land gjør det til en styrke med samling og forutsigbarhet i Norge. Derfor håper jeg at uansett farge på vår neste regjering, at norske politikere søker å finne frem til bredere forlik i de store og viktige sakene, enn hva vi har hatt de siste stortingsperiodene. Brede politiske forlik har alltid vært avgjørende for fremgang og utvikling, enten det har handlet om politikk for energi, skatt eller klima. Vi har behov for politikere som står sammen når det trengs. Trykk på artikkelen nedenfor om du vil lese hele kronikken.

    Vi trenger et bredt skatteforlik

    Vi trenger et bredt skatteforlik

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