

Fornybar energi-tjenester

We provide objective and forward-looking analysis for all significant low carbon markets.

Om oss

Rooted in decades of experience, and with a global team of experts, we provide objective and forward-looking analysis for all significant low carbon markets. As an independent market intelligence provider our vision is to empower decision makers towards a net zero world. We strive to create a world where individuals and organizations are equipped with the knowledge and tools they need to make sustainable decisions and create a better future for all. Our platform combines strong expertise in the renewable power, renewable fuels and carbon markets, offering price data, predictive analytics, market developments, and policy insights to our subscribers. Contact us at:

Fornybar energi-tjenester
11–50 ansatte
Privateid selskap
Guarantees of Origin, Renewable energy, Market analysis, Political reviews, Prices and developments, Consultancy, Workshops, Green certificates, Biogas, Green commodities, Legal frameworks, Market mapping, Voluntary Carbon, Compliance Carbon, EUETS


Ansatte i Veyt


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    H2Global has concluded its pilot auction, setting a significant precedent in the renewable ammonia trade. Fertiglobe secured the winning bid, agreeing to supply ammonia at EUR 1,000/tonne for delivery to Rotterdam. This agreement involves sourcing the ammonia from the Egypt Green project, which combines an existing Haber Bosch plant with new electrolysis and renewable energy installations. The auction saw participation from 22 companies across five continents, with an average bid price of EUR 1,048/tonne, reflecting the market's increasing maturity. Do you want to know more about the pilot auction? Read the full analysis by Simon Ellis: #renewableenergy #greenhydrogen #H2Global

    Pilot H2Global auction awards winning bid at EUR 1,000/tonne

    Pilot H2Global auction awards winning bid at EUR 1,000/tonne

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    6,000 følgere

    The European PPA market is thriving in 2024 despite facing challenging conditions. In the first five months of this year, the market contracted over 10 GW of renewable capacity, marking a 10% increase compared to the previous year. This growth occurred amidst a bearish wholesale spot electricity market with a record number of negative price hours. Future market design improvements and expected price recoveries on the wholesale market could further incentivise PPA signings. Germany and Spain remain top markets, with significant growth seen in Greece, the UK, and the Netherlands. For a detailed analysis and more insights, read the full article by Irina Peltegova and Lisa Anna Zafoschnig #PPAmarket #EuropeanEnergy

    The European PPA market continues to grow in 2024 despite challenging market conditions

    The European PPA market continues to grow in 2024 despite challenging market conditions

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    Chart of the month: REGO price for the current compliance period (CP22) crashes following late auction in the post-GO-Brexit market. In the latest REGOs and ROCs auction conducted by ePower on 19 June 2024, the market experienced a significant crash. CP22 REGO prices dropped from £14.30/MWh on 17 June to £3.75/MWh on 20 June (-74%). Senior Analyst Kumara Rathnam at Veyt argues that holding the auction so close to the disclosure deadline after most market players have balanced their portfolios caused an oversupply in the now isolated REGO market. The REGO submissions deadline for Fuel Mix Disclosure (FMD) is 1 July. Despite this, long-term impacts on future vintages (CP23, CP24, and onwards) are not expected. For more insights on renewable energy markets, contact us at #Renewableenergy #REGO #markettrends

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    Shifting price dynamics in the UK ETS have reflected the optimism that EU-UK ETS re-linking may now be more likely. What are some of the technical challenges standing in the way of linking these two markets? "Linking would have been simple prior to Fit-for-55 outcomes, but with the introduction of CBAM, the phase-out of free allocation, and international shipping, the UK ETS will need to undergo changes in order to align with the EU ETS. Even with support from most participants, negotiations will not be a breeze." For a deeper dive into the potential re-linking of European carbon markets, read the full article by Henry Lush: #UKETS #emissionstrading #sustainability 

    Could linking European carbon markets be hampered by CBAM and free allocation?

    Could linking European carbon markets be hampered by CBAM and free allocation?

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    We're #hiring! Do you want to join a brilliant team that provides cutting-edge insights and data-driven solutions to guide clients through the net zero transition? We are scaling up and expanding our sales team and are now seeking a dedicated Sales Manager to help drive our next phase of growth. In this role, you will manage and execute our sales strategy, set and achieve sales targets, and develop sales plans and proposals. The ideal candidate has a strong background in sales, exceptional communication skills, and domain knowledge within the energy trading and/or production sectors. Does this sound like you? Read more about the position and apply below👇

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    Marcus Ferdinand - our Chief Analytics Officer, recently contributed to a UBS Asset Management report exploring the EU ETS and its impact on the steel sector. Written by Adam Gustafsson and Ellis Eckland, the report highlights: ▪ As the power sector decarbonises, industry is set to become Europe's highest-emitting sector; ▪ Steel companies receive the largest share of free allowances; ▪ Decarbonising steel production offers benefits but requires support from a meaningful carbon price and other green premiums; ▪ Investing in emission abatement projects unlocks a low-carbon premium when settling the steel onwards while, at the same time, providing a hedge against increasing carbon prices in the future. Despite challenges, proactive decarbonisation measures present the best risk-reward profile for investors. How do you think strategic investments in decarbonisation can drive a sustainable and profitable future? Download the full report to find out more: #euets #steelindustry #carbonmarkets

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    Webinar recap: PPA pre-summer status for Europe We recently hosted a webinar where our renewable power experts provided valuable insights into the evolving European PPA market. A few of the key highlights discussed were: ▪ Solar Power surge: early 2024 saw high solar power generation leading to low power prices, frequent negative prices, and record-low capture rates for solar. ▪Market expectations: despite current low price levels, future market expectations suggest attractive fair-value PPA prices for both sellers and buyers. ▪Market growth: the European PPA market has shown significant growth with 134 reported deals (up to 53% year-on-year) and 10.2 GW contracted capacity (up to 10% year-on-year) in the first five months of 2024. Get ahead with our PPA modelling offer: Explore the complexities of PPA negotiations with our advanced PPA modelling tools. Request a demo to gain the insights and tools necessary for informed decision-making: Watch the full webinar recording: Knut Vrålstad | Irina Peltegova | Lisa Anna Zafoschnig #PPA #renewableenergy #solarpower

    PPA trends: Growth & Volatility in Europe 2024

    PPA trends: Growth & Volatility in Europe 2024

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    Are you attending the Latin American Climate Summit 2024? Stéphannie Galdino will be joining the premier gathering of carbon market practitioners, experts, and governments from across the Latin America and Caribbean region at LACS 2024 next week, 25-27 June. Hosted by IETA in the beautiful city of Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, the event promises in-depth discussions on carbon pricing, market trends, and innovative solutions to climate challenges. It's an incredible opportunity to join colleagues and climate leaders to gain insights into the growing carbon pricing in Latin America and the Caribbean. We are excited to engage in discussions around topics related to the voluntary carbon markets and corporate demand. We encourage you to connect with Stéphannie before or during the event for a quick chat - please feel free to reach out! #LACS2024 #carbonmarkets #voluntarycarbon

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    We're excited to welcome Lorenzo Balestra to our team as our new Hydrogen Analyst. Lorenzo brings extensive expertise in hydrogen systems, transport systems (marine, road, and rail), process modelling, and economic analysis. "I am dedicated to developing tools that facilitate decision-making and investment in the hydrogen, renewable energy and renewable fuels sectors. I firmly believe that the widespread adoption of cleaner energy sources and carriers, such as hydrogen, is attainable and will play a crucial role in significantly reducing global carbon emissions." His background includes developing models for hydrogen use in the maritime sector, which led to significant industry investments. He also contributed to the development of hydrogen fuel cells and assessed the feasibility of various global projects. Welcome aboard, Lorenzo! Marie Thuestad | Marcus Ferdinand | Knut Vrålstad | Simon Ellis | Proadpran Tooy Piccini

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    Have you explored the capabilities of our new short-term GO price forecast? The forecast is designed to help you: ▪ uncover profitable trading and arbitrage opportunities ▪ spot market trends ▪ give you a glance into the future To get a demo of the forecast, request a demo at or visit the website to learn more about how our platform can support you. Knut Vrålstad | Daniel Arnesson | Christos Mavrogiannis | Ghali Yakoub | Irina Peltegova | Kumara Rathnam | Lisa Anna Zafoschnig | Léo R.

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