Juliana Gonçalves

Juliana Gonçalves

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I am currently an Assistant Professor at the Urbanism Department of the Faculty of…

Ervaring en opleidingen

  • Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, TU Delft

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Licenties en certificaten



  • Creative problem solving

    KU Leuven

  • Effective Graphical Displays

    KU Leuven

  • Energy Economics and Environment (Ben Ho, Vassar College)

    Udemy Course

  • Energy Systems Integration: A Trend or a Revolution? (KU Leuven, EIT InnoEnergy and ESIG)

    edX course

  • FLAMES @ KU Leuven Course: Essential Tools for R


  • Intensive academic writing course

    KU Leuven

  • International Climate Change Law and Policy (University of Newcastle)

    edX course by NewcastleX

  • Interpersonal skills

    KU Leuven

  • Introduction to leadership

    KU Leuven

  • Mathematical and statistical tools for solar resource assessment and forecasting (Prof. John Boland, University of South Australia)


  • Monitoring and Simulation of the Performance and Reliability of Photovoltaics in the Built Environment

    COST Training School

  • Scaling methods applied to renewable energy (Prof. Louis Gosselin, Laval University, CA)



  • Citizen Voices in Biodiversity (BIO-CiVo)

    As the climate crisis deepens, the importance of biodiversity is increasingly being recognised. Large municipalities such as Rotterdam and The Hague have already implemented monitoring plans and measures to strengthen biodiversity. However, these measures often do not receive public support as citizens perceive biodiversity as complex, boring, and distant from their daily life, with an equivocal understanding that improving biodiversity is the same as increasing common greenery. Yet, citizens’…

    As the climate crisis deepens, the importance of biodiversity is increasingly being recognised. Large municipalities such as Rotterdam and The Hague have already implemented monitoring plans and measures to strengthen biodiversity. However, these measures often do not receive public support as citizens perceive biodiversity as complex, boring, and distant from their daily life, with an equivocal understanding that improving biodiversity is the same as increasing common greenery. Yet, citizens’ efforts are needed for an integrated approach to biodiversity because roughly 60% of the urban environment is privately owned. While the need and opportunities for citizen engagement are clear, multiple challenges to the development and uptake of participation tools remain, including:
    [Contextual challenge] Moving away from the idea of one-size-fits-all, tool development needs to be tailored to contextual needs and requirements of users;
    [Scale challenge] While citizens interact well with map-based interfaces, the most suitable scale for such interaction is not clear;
    [Design challenge] While citizens can provide input/feedback on a scenario proposal, they struggle to create scenarios on their own.
    Tackling these challenges, this project will develop an interactive tool for scenario-making (design challenge), tailored to citizen engagement in biodiversity action (contextual challenge), exploring spatial scales from a neighbourhood perspective (scale challenge).

    BIO-CiVo is funded by the Resilient Delta Initiative. The project is a collaboration between TU Delft (Juliana Gonçalves & Geertje Slingerland), Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences (Anja Overdiek), and Erasmus University (Mike Duijn). The team members include Isabella Jaramillo Diaz, Maria Gil Falcon, and Jing Spaaij.

  • HE UP2030

    UP2030 aims to support cities in driving the socio-technical transitions required to meet their climate neutrality targets by leveraging urban planning and design. Within the project city stakeholders and local authorities will be supported and guided to put neutrality on the map of their communities in day-to-day actions and strategic decisions. An innovative methodology (5UP-approach) will be developed and applied through the co-development and implementation of science-based - yet practical…

    UP2030 aims to support cities in driving the socio-technical transitions required to meet their climate neutrality targets by leveraging urban planning and design. Within the project city stakeholders and local authorities will be supported and guided to put neutrality on the map of their communities in day-to-day actions and strategic decisions. An innovative methodology (5UP-approach) will be developed and applied through the co-development and implementation of science-based - yet practical - tools, and methods.

    Inclusive participation is key throughout the project’s full cycle of activities so that real needs of communities are reflected in the city-specific visions, and co-designed interventions maximise delivery of co-benefits. As such, UP2030 will have a measured positive impact on spatial justice in the pilots, and give the opportunity to citizens to participate in the transition by becoming agents of change themselves through their sustainable behavioural shifts.

  • Citizens meet Climate

    This project develops CmC – Citizens Meets Climate, a digital participatory platform to empower citizens to take climate action. The platform achieves citizen empowerment by (1) informing citizens about climate risks by connecting scientific data to the everyday lives of citizens, (2) connecting citizens and community initiatives to each other, creating a sense of community, and (3) listening to citizens experiences and linking them to opportunities of individual or collective climate action in…

    This project develops CmC – Citizens Meets Climate, a digital participatory platform to empower citizens to take climate action. The platform achieves citizen empowerment by (1) informing citizens about climate risks by connecting scientific data to the everyday lives of citizens, (2) connecting citizens and community initiatives to each other, creating a sense of community, and (3) listening to citizens experiences and linking them to opportunities of individual or collective climate action in their neighbourhood, tailored to their profile.

  • Decolonising Data Science


    This project develops a process-based framework for decolonising quantitative education by combining mixed methods research and critical theory and delivers a blueprint on how to decolonise engineering and design education to be used within TU Delft and beyond.

    This project is a CUSP initiative, funded by the Open Science Programme at TU Delft.

  • Citizen Voice Pilot


    Citizen Voice is a pilot project from the SPRING initiative. The pilot aims at developing an open-source public participation tool - the Citizen Voice. Citizen Voice is a digital survey tool based on geographical information systems (GIS). The focus of Citizen Voice is on digital participatory mapping, enabling the collection of spatial data directly from citizens. An important aspect of the development of Citizen Tool is a user-friendly interface with focus on data visualisation. This…

    Citizen Voice is a pilot project from the SPRING initiative. The pilot aims at developing an open-source public participation tool - the Citizen Voice. Citizen Voice is a digital survey tool based on geographical information systems (GIS). The focus of Citizen Voice is on digital participatory mapping, enabling the collection of spatial data directly from citizens. An important aspect of the development of Citizen Tool is a user-friendly interface with focus on data visualisation. This characteristic is key for an effective communication with decision makers as well as communities, creating opportunities for dialogue, joint analysis, debate, and deliberative process.

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  • SIA-City


    This project aims at developing a spatial tool to support integrated decision-making in cities – SIA-City. It combines social impact assessment with spatial data science and participatory mapping to evaluate and monitor inequalities in cities. This three-fold framework helps with understanding the patterns of urban inequalities and how inequality impacts people.

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  • Citizen Voice Initiative


    The Citizen Voice Initiative is a platform for public participation and citizen engagement with a threefold impact: (1) we develop and test open-source tools for participation in a co-creation approach with key urban actors, including citizens, (2) we provide guidelines to embed our tools in inclusive and sustainable participation processes, and (3) we perform critical research on public participation, highlighting the limitations and potential risks of participatory practices.

  • PV OpMaat CustomFit


    Making the integration of solar panels in buildings more efficient, aesthetic and less expensive is the basic principle of the project PV OpMaat.
    Based on newly developed manufacturing methods, the project partners want to manufacture electricity-producing solar cell materials in such a way that they can be integrated perfectly in constructional elements. Examples of such products are already on the market, but the ambition to customise the manufacture for the specific dimensions in the…

    Making the integration of solar panels in buildings more efficient, aesthetic and less expensive is the basic principle of the project PV OpMaat.
    Based on newly developed manufacturing methods, the project partners want to manufacture electricity-producing solar cell materials in such a way that they can be integrated perfectly in constructional elements. Examples of such products are already on the market, but the ambition to customise the manufacture for the specific dimensions in the construction industry is new and caters to the growing market for renovation and reducing the energy consumption of homes and buildings in answer to public policy.
    The project will be led by Solliance, the public-private cooperation between companies and knowledge institutes focused on the development of thin film solar cells. Other centres involved are the Netherlands SEAC, the independent centre for the application of solar-energy systems and the Flemish EnergyVille, the energy centre for sustainable energy and intelligent energy systems. Within the consortium TNO acts as project coordinator; other participating research entities include ECN, imec, Holst Centre, ForschungsZentrum Jülich, the universities of Eindhoven, Hasselt and Leuven, and ZUYD.

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  • SolSthore


    SolSThore aims to enable massive deployment of solar energy in the context of Smart Cities. This requires a combination of highly efficient building-integrated PV (both on the level of energy yield and device reliability) and local storage by means of batteries. SolSThore wants to build up the required R&D capacity and human expertise in Flanders so as to serve the interest of local companies active in this field, to create new industrial fibre and to deliver leading results. Aesthetical and…

    SolSThore aims to enable massive deployment of solar energy in the context of Smart Cities. This requires a combination of highly efficient building-integrated PV (both on the level of energy yield and device reliability) and local storage by means of batteries. SolSThore wants to build up the required R&D capacity and human expertise in Flanders so as to serve the interest of local companies active in this field, to create new industrial fibre and to deliver leading results. Aesthetical and societal aspects are included in this research to ensure broad social acceptance.

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  • CAPES Scholarship | Master's Degree

    CAPES (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, Ministry of Education)

    Ranked first @ Master in Mechanical Engineering | Thermal Sciences and Engineering

  • Petrobras/ANEEL Research Scholarship


  • Science without Borders Scholarship | First call

    CNPq (Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development)

    Among the 26 students selected in 2011 from the Federal University of Santa Catarina in the first call of the Science without Borders Scholarship Program.

  • CNPq Research Scholarship

    Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development


  • English

    Professionele werkvaardigheid

  • French

    Professionele werkvaardigheid

  • Portuguese

    Moedertaal of tweetalig

  • Spanish

    Beperkte werkvaardigheid

  • German


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