Fabio Massaru Narahara

Den Haag, Zuid-Holland, Nederland Contactgegevens
2K volgers Meer dan 500 connecties

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Commercial executive with experience in American and European multinational companies…

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  • Ar comprimido: o sopro que a indústria precisa

    Revista Green Building Council Brasil - Ano 3 / Nº 7 / 2016

    Since the 19th century, the energy from the air has transformed production methods and has become increasingly present and indispensable where contamination can't exist.

    Publicatie weergeven
  • Singer - Presença nos Lares Brasileiros [Limited Edition Celebration Book]


    Publication of the commemorative book of celebration of the 160th anniversary of Singer, with a historical register from the first sewing machine developed by Mr. Isaac Singer till today, showing the influence of the products and business model of “The Singer Company” from the market to our homes. Besides being the inventor of the first really functional sewing machine, Singer has also created the financing lines and the franchise system to conquest the market and become the first multinational…

    Publication of the commemorative book of celebration of the 160th anniversary of Singer, with a historical register from the first sewing machine developed by Mr. Isaac Singer till today, showing the influence of the products and business model of “The Singer Company” from the market to our homes. Besides being the inventor of the first really functional sewing machine, Singer has also created the financing lines and the franchise system to conquest the market and become the first multinational industry of the history.

    A total of 2,000 units were printed and distributed to selected persons, which includes top customers and suppliers, fashion school libraries and employees.

  • Siemens, Soluções Industriais - Colhendo Resultados

    Siemens Ltda., Industry Business Unit

    Joinpaper adopts TIA (Totally Integrated Automation) concept and increases operational efficiency with innovative systems developed together with Siemens.

  • Siemens, Soluções Industriais - As vantagens do Totally Integrated Automation

    Siemens Ltda., Industry Business Unit

    Automation system adopts TIA (Totally Integrated Automation) concept and states the accuracy and reliability of Siemens' servosystems.

  • Siemens, Soluções Industriais - Schuler conclui instalação na Renault

    Siemens Ltda., Industry Business Unit

    Schuler, a leading supplier of large presses for the automotive industry, confirms its expertise and strenght the partnership with Siemens in the automation of systems and solutions.


  • Ingersoll Rand's President's Award

    President, Compression Technologies and Services

    Winner of President's Award in the Operational Excellence category, recognizing commitment and outstanding efforts in support of Pricing Excellence and TLME (Top Line Margin Expansion) Performance.


  • Portuguese

    Moedertaal of tweetalig

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    Volledige professionele vaardigheid

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    Beperkte werkvaardigheid

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    Volledige professionele vaardigheid

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  • ABIMAQ - Associação Brasileira da Indústria de Máquinas e Equipamentos

    Vice-President of the Sectorial Chamber of Compressed Air and Gas (CSAG)


    Vice-President of the sectorial chamber (CSAG), representing Ingersoll Rand, and vice-coordinator of the organizational committee for FEIMEC 2018.

  • AMCHAM Brasil | São Paulo

    Member of the Marketing Strategic Committee


    Member of the Marketing Strategic Committee.

  • ABIMAQ - Associação Brasileira da Indústria de Máquinas e Equipamentos

    Member of the Sectorial Chamber of Compressed Air and Gas (CSAG)


    Member of the sectorial chamber (CSAG), representing Ingersoll Rand, and representative at the committee of industrial machinery exhibitions.

  • AMCHAM Brasil | Campinas

    Member of the Marketing Strategic Committee


    Member of the Marketing Strategic Committee.

  • ABRAMACO - Associação Brasileira da Indústria da Confecção

    Board Advisor & Head of the Marketing Committee


    Advisor for ABRAMACO's marketing and communication activities.

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