The International Retail Academy

The International Retail Academy


Amsterdam, Amsterdam 619 volgers

Learn | Grow | Succeed

Over ons

Founded by Kayleigh Fazan in 2020: here to serve retailers and improve the customer experience of our industry! Here at TIRA we design, from the ground up YOUR unique customer experience proposition and get to work on making this a living reality in your stores. We have partnered with brands such as Rituals, Skechers, Tommy Hilfiger and GAP on a variety of retail excellence work from customer experience overhaul, learning design, sales workshops, leadership behaviour coaching and much more. Feel free to head over to our website for case studies or better still, reach out for a relaxed chat - we love people, we love to talk and we love to serve!

2-10 medewerkers
Amsterdam, Amsterdam
retail , customer experience, project management, change management, learning en coaching


Medewerkers van The International Retail Academy


  • What kind of training programs does your company offer? It’s not uncommon to find retailers stuck in 2005 with BINDERS of presentations and an A-Z of all things retail 😵💫 Or worse Nothing at all As retail is viewed largely as a stepping stone career It’s rare to find meaningful onboarding journeys, foundational skills and succession planning But if you did these things You would activate all of these things 👇🏼 1. Empowerment 2. Retention 3. Improved performance 4. Higher engagement 5. Cultures of success Ultimately Brands cannot expand their potential without first expanding the people By human nature When you invest in the people they will invest back into you (& the brand) You go first 🔥 #customerexperience #retailing #culture #leadership

  • When we coach & train your teams we bring out the best parts of their personalities Why? Think about the last time you went to the mall I bet you experienced something like this 👇🏼 “Hi how are you” “If you need anything let me know” “Do you need some help” Retail workers are programmed to communicate in very neutral - flat styles 😴 …they don’t want to be rejected …they don’t know anything better But what if you experienced 👇🏼 Meaningful service Thoughtful questions Engaged happy teams You’d be more likely to buy something, right? 🤩 Now imagine if your retail teams transformed into this new approach And that positively impacted 10% of your footfall (being very conservative here btw) What value would that add to your daily sales, quarter, year end? 💰🙌🏼💰🙌🏼 When you hire us to help you are guaranteed results What makes us the go-to retail training company? We care Like really give a sh!t Ask our clients… We believe that retail is a giant hub of connection and we understand & harness this better than anyone Ready to talk & finally have a retail breakthrough? Click the link in comments 🫶🏽 #leadership #customerexperience #sales #marketing #retailtraining

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