

IT-services en consultancy

Amsterdam, Noord-Holland 9.237 volgers

Wij maken het beheer van laadnetwerken zo simpel en efficiënt mogelijk

Over ons

GreenFlux ontwikkelt full-service softwareoplossingen, om mobiliteitsbedrijven te ondersteunen bij het beheren en opschalen van hun laadnetwerk. Ons platform levert essentiële functies zoals laadpaalbeheer op afstand, toegangsautorisatie, facturatie, betaling van laadsessies, roaming en de integratie van bedrijfssystemen. Als pionier op het gebied van slim elektrisch laden, stellen wij beheerders in staat om het laadproces intelligent aan te sturen. Tegelijkertijd bieden wij maximale flexibiliteit voor e-mobility bedrijven, om een optimale laadervaring voor hun klanten te creëren. GreenFlux is een ambitieus en dynamisch bedrijf dat internationaal bekend staat om zijn expertise op het gebied van elektrisch rijden. Sinds 2011 werken wij iedere dag aan baanbrekende innovaties en technologieën voor een gezamenlijke toekomst gekenmerkt door duurzame mobiliteit.

IT-services en consultancy
51 - 200 medewerkers
Amsterdam, Noord-Holland
Particuliere onderneming
sustainability, electric transport, electric driving, smart charging, EV, ev charging, ev charging software, ev charging platform, e-mobility platform en e-mobility software


Medewerkers van GreenFlux


  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor GreenFlux, afbeelding

    9.237 volgers

    Welcome onboard! 💚 Vincenzo Vitiello joins us as our new Sales Director for the Iberia region. Vicenzo comes with over six years of experience in the mobility sector, actively contributing to the energy transition and electrification from different perspectives. His professional journey encompasses roles in the automotive industry, the EV charging sector, and the electro-mobility service provider environment. At GreenFlux, he will support the commercial development of the Iberian market. Vicenzo is excited to work closely with the GreenFlux team to design and deliver our smart and innovative EV charging solutions and services that meet market demands and evolving challenges. ‘I am thrilled to join such an exceptional team at the forefront of the eMobility industry. With the pressing challenges of global climate change and the urgent need for actions in the energy transition, there is no other field where I would rather address my efforts.’ Jens Lampe joins us as our new Sales Director for the DACH region. Jens comes from an economic background and knows the rules of trade. He comes with over 14 years of experience in the mobility sector for both B2B and B2C sales. ‘I am super excited to join the GreenFlux team. My previous experience allowed me to learn about different charging options and to deepen my eMobility knowledge in general. I look forward to using my skills and experience in my new role.’ When not working, Jens enjoys travelling with his family. 🚀 We are happy to see you join our growing team! GreenFlux offers exciting opportunities for talent in mobility and energy! Be part of the revolution and help us grow EV charging together! 💚 #greenhearts #vacancies #evcharging #sustainability

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor GreenFlux, afbeelding

    9.237 volgers

    Congratulations, DKV Mobility, on your 90th anniversary! Recently, the GreenFlux team came together to celebrate DKV Mobility's impressive 90 year history delivering innovative mobility solutions. We are energised by our role in not only continuing this legacy but supercharging it towards a more sustainable future. Our #greenhearts soar in celebration with all our DKV Mobility group colleagues! #emobility #anniversary #celebration #dkv90

  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor GreenFlux, afbeelding

    9.237 volgers

    ‘Incentives, unanimous legislation, and a consumer-first attitude are the needs of the hour to provide certainty in the eMobility industry’, says Rutger Plantenga. Our managing director, Rutger, recently spoke at the @International Mobility Portal Summit organised by Mobility Portal Europe, explaining how the sector is growing 'more demanding', and what can be done to help the industry. Rutger analyses the next steps Europe must take to achieve a successful eMobility transition, highlighting the importance of supporting these efforts with incentives. Plus, he explains how GreenFlux’s unique platform, which enables stakeholders to tackle the complexity and challenges of EV supply, can help in the ongoing energy transition. 'We offer a unique roaming service, which means users can take advantage of an existing network to which they are already fully connected and immediately access virtually all of Europe,' he explains. Read the full story here to learn more: #evs #electricvehicles #sustainability #sustainablemobility #charginginfrastructure #electricvehicle

    GreenFlux highlights the need for incentives to “provide certainty”: What do they propose?

    GreenFlux highlights the need for incentives to “provide certainty”: What do they propose?

  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor GreenFlux, afbeelding

    9.237 volgers

    We will be attending the EV SUMMIT on July 15–16 in Oxford, UK.   Join us for discussions about the evolving eMobility industry.   Known as the ‘Davos for emobility’, the two-day summit brings together business leaders and key players working on electric vehicles, energy, information technology and charging infrastructure to explore how we advance full-battery electric eMobility.   With our smart solutions, we support CPOs and EMPs in facilitating the transition to electric mobility for their drivers while simultaneously optimising operations for efficiency and sustainability.   We would be happy to discuss with you: • How to build and scale your eMobility business • All about implementing smart energy management solutions • How the GreenFlux platform enables your specific business cases   Reach out to our sales director, Miles J R Gillespie, directly via LinkedIn or request a meeting: #electricvehicles #sustainability #evs #smartcharging 

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor GreenFlux, afbeelding

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    Hola Amigos y Amigas! Will you join us at #EnergyearMobility from July 10–11 in Madrid, Spain? Energyear Mobility provides a special environment for industry leaders to explore and analyse the latest innovations and strategies that are shaping the future of sustainable mobility in Europe. Let us together analyse the competitive landscape and uncover emerging opportunities in the European market. This event provides a unique platform to establish valuable connections, forge partnerships, and contribute to the ongoing growth of the sustainable mobility industry. Our Sales Directors Morgan JEGOU and Vincenzo Vitiello, will be present to answer all your questions regarding a smooth transition to eMobility and a reliable EV charging management platform. Reach out to them directly via LinkedIn! GreenFlux offers a platform to empower CPOs and eMSPs to face upcoming challenges. Our team would be happy to guide you through. Energyear  #sustainability #electricvehicles #emobility #evs #movilidad

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor GreenFlux, afbeelding

    9.237 volgers

    Worry about d sc n n ct d charge stations? Don't be - we make sure your chargers are never out of reach. Tailored to your geographical focus and chosen charge station hardware, we choose the best network solution. We provide: - DataCom: We leverage our reputable IoT provider to connect your charging stations. - VPN Integration: We make it easy to migrate to our platform, maintaining your existing provider and ensuring business continuity. - Safe Connectivity: We use Transport Layer Security (TLS) to make sure all communication is securely encrypted. Sounds technical? Well, it is, but we'll guide you through the process with ease. Diana Gorodetska To find out how we can help you manage your EV charging network at scale, go to #evcharging #evs #electricvehicles #sustainability 

  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor GreenFlux, afbeelding

    9.237 volgers

    We are still recovering from the excitement at Power2Drive! 🔌 Power2Drive was one big platform to meet the who’s who of the eMobility industry. Under the motto “Charging the Future of Mobility," the event was the ideal industry meeting point for all the stakeholders, from manufacturers, distributors, installers, fleet and energy managers, to charge point operators, e-mobility service providers, and start-ups. 🔋 We met you all—innovators, solution providers, sustainability lovers—you name it! Over a cup of coffee and our favourite Tony's Chocolonely we had some fully charged conversations. 🍫 💡 We are happy to have learned a lot about the e-mobility industry and our partners from each one of you. We now look forward to applying the learnings to together empower sustainable mobility for all. 📞 In case you missed us, reach out to us directly or via our website and join our goal. Patrick Willner Jens Lampe Martijn Hendriks Philipp Gerstheimer Kevin Hochstätter Here is a glimpse of how our power-packed three days went! The smarter E #electricvehicles #sustainability #evs #smartcharging

  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor GreenFlux, afbeelding

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    We are proud to be creating history with our customer and partner, TotalEnergies. As a smart charging technology provider, we supported the very first Dutch collaboration in the field of smart charging between both public and private infrastructure in Utrecht.   In this project, our smart charging technology was used to reduce the load on public charge stations in the city of Utrecht.   As a pioneer in smart charging technology, we have been committed to tackling grid congestion. And this project certainly adds another feather to our cap.   Read the full report here to learn more: #sustainability #evs #electricvehicles #smartcharging

    Profiel weergeven voor Jules van Dijk, afbeelding

    ⚡️💻 Product Manager VPP | Eneco

    𝐖𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐛𝐛𝐞𝐧 𝐠𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐞𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐬 𝐠𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐢𝐧 𝐔𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐡𝐭 𝐦𝐞𝐭 𝟒𝟎% 𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐞!🚗🔌⚡ We hebben geschiedenis geschreven in Utrecht door de allereerste Nederlandse samenwerking op het gebied van slim laden tussen publieke en private infrastructuur. Zoals vermeld in dit artikel: 🔗 hebben we samen met Jedlix en Utrechtse inwoners de kracht van slim laden ingezet om netcongestie aan te pakken. Zo maakte onze aanpak het verschil: ➡️ Pionierende publieke & private synergie: Door slim laden toe te passen op de openbare laadpalen van TotalEnergies en het netwerk van privéladers van Jedlix, hebben we de netcongestie aanzienlijk verminderd. Hierdoor laten we zien dat het gedwongen afsluitingen van openbare laadpalen niet nodig is. ➡️ Win-winsituatie voor EV-rijders: Hoewel sommige laadsessies mogelijk licht vertraagd waren, bevestigt het project het potentieel van slim laden om kosten te besparen en een betrouwbaar netwerk te bieden door middel van technieken zoals dynamic pricing en laden gedurende daluren. Gebruikers van de Jedlix-app die buiten de piektijden of met vertraging hebben geladen, hebben geprofiteerd van extra programmavoordelen. ➡️ Meetbaar succes: We hebben de impact van onze elektrische laadinfrastructuur verminder met wel 𝟒𝟎%! Dit vertaalt zich naar een robuuster netwerk voor de toekomst van Utrecht. ➡️ Schaalbaarheid voor de toekomst: Onze analyse toont aan dat slim laden een significante impact kan hebben op de netcongestie veroorzaakt door de toename van het aantal laadpalen in Utrecht. We zijn dieper ingegaan op de data, inclusief details over gestuurde laadsessies, verschoven kWh'en en andere statistieken. Alle resultaten vindt je in ons volledige rapport. (🔗 link in de comments) Dit project is een bewijs van de kracht van samenwerking en innovatie. Door slim laden te omarmen, trekken we de kar voor een duurzame toekomst voor elektrische voertuigen in Utrecht en daarbuiten! Extra dank aan: Nederlandse Vereniging Duurzame Energie (NVDE): Olof van der Gaag Gemeente Utrecht: Wethouder Eva Oosters en Matthijs Kok Jedlix - Smart Charging: Nick Verhoeven en Jorg van Heesbeen #Slimladen #Sustainability #ElectricVehicles #Utrecht #Jedlix #TotalEnergies #netcongestie

    Slim laden vermindert belasting stroomnet door elektrische voertuigen met 40 procent | Change Inc.

    Slim laden vermindert belasting stroomnet door elektrische voertuigen met 40 procent | Change Inc.

  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor GreenFlux, afbeelding

    9.237 volgers

    We will be present at Almedalsveckan in Visby! Are you around? Almedalsveckan is Sweden’s largest open political venue, where everyone who wants to debate social issues has an opportunity to talk. With inevitable climate change and new regulations for the eMobility industry in discussion, it is a great platform to talk about sustainable transport. Niklas Pekkari 🟢 would be present to answer all your concerns about growing and scaling your EV charging operations. Let us, together, empower sustainable mobility for all. Reach out to him directly to schedule a meeting. Mobility Sweden #sustainability #electricvehicles, #EVs

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor GreenFlux, afbeelding

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    Did we tell you about our new Dashboard 2.0 yet? Launched only two months ago, our new business overview gives you exactly what you need: clear network performance insights at a glance, empowering you to take action right away. Let us recap what it holds: 🖥️ Cards that deliver exact details, featuring the new smart high-and-low cards as a standout new addition. 🔍 Smart filters that simplify your search, such as specific charging locations, AC/DC charging points, or location types, such as home, business, or public. ✨ New 2.0 Design System, which makes it faster and easier to manage charging points on a large scale. We can tell you all about it, here: #productlaunch #evs #electricvehicles #sustainability 

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