Technologie, informatie en media

Amsterdam, North Holland 2.052 volgers

Because finding a job, shouldn’t feel like a job.

Over ons

De afgelopen 10 jaar hebben vacaturesites te weinig innovaties doorgevoerd om hun platform gebruiksvriendelijker en meer kandidaatgericht te maken. De nadruk ligt op meer vacatures, meer traffic, meer views, etc. Ondanks dat dit belangrijk is om te groeien, verwaarloost deze aanpak de beleving van de kandidaat; het belangrijkste onderdeel. Onze focus is om met ons platform de standaard van gebruiksvriendelijkheid en performance drastisch te verhogen. Kwaliteit boven kwantiteit. Wij doen er alles aan om jullie vacatures en employer branding te optimaliseren, zodat jullie het beste talent werven dat er is.

Technologie, informatie en media
2-10 medewerkers
Amsterdam, North Holland
Particuliere onderneming
Recruitment Marketing, Online Media, Employer Branding, Career Platform, Video Marketing, Perfect Application Flow, Marketing, Cloud Talent Solutions, SaaS, RaaS, Recruitment en Job board


Medewerkers van BOOMING.JOBS


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    Coming at you with another Meet the Team post! Introducing our trusty CTO, Marcel Hageman 🧑💻 🤩 Though Marcel only started at Booming in January of this year, he has already made quite the impact on the company. He was drawn to both the new opportunity and our CEO Jeroen’s story, having admiration for his obvious drive and energy, but also the diverse responsibilities and chance to leverage his skills as a developer and manager. ✍️ His career began at 17 as an autodidact, and after about 10 years, he landed jobs that finally put his profile on the map; and IceMobile, followed by several years in consultancy roles. He also worked for Apple and Couchbase. 😄 He finds the best part of his role is no longer needing to work on tasks dictated by those who don't understand them. Now his challenge is trying not to become someone who doesn’t understand them himself! 🏍️ In his free time, Marcel loves go-karting, motorcycling, skydiving, scuba diving, hiking, exercising and shooting (cross)bows at stationary targets. He also enjoys camping in style, and fondly remembers his time in Canada when he was surprised by a moose walking around his tent! We appreciate our colleagues here at Booming and we hope you're enjoying learning more about them! Stay tuned for next weeks Meet the Team and have a Booming day 💥

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    Next up in our Meet the Team series is none other than Ryan Hazeleger! 💼 Ryan moved to Amsterdam not long ago, and he began his career in recruitment. Having connected with our CEO Jeroen on LinkedIn, he soon made the move to the Booming Jobs team as an Account Manager. 💬 One of the best things he finds about working for Booming is getting to be in contact with people, helping them to grow their business through finding them the right talent for their teams. His favorite motto to motivate other colleagues is "Let's Go!" 🥊 He is a fitness guru and loves an early morning wake up (6AM😮) to get his day started. Lately, he's also been into reading books about different historical events. 💥Tune in next week for another Meet the Team! and until then, keep on Booming💥

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    We're back with another Meet the Team post! Introducing Stacey Miller 💥 👩💻 Before working at Booming.Jobs, Stacey had a 10 year career in fashion, then began retraining as a frontend developer. 🛩️ She is originally from London, and intended to move to Amsterdam for only a couple of years, but 7.5 years later, she's still here and loving the city. ⏳ Stacey loves when she can really get into a flow with her work; discovering new music while she codes and becoming hyper-focused on the task at hand. She feels she learns a lot from the colleagues around her as well. 🍞 She loves to cook and her latest hobby is trying to perfect the skill of baking a beautiful sourdough loaf. Don't forget to stay tuned for next Wednesday, when we shine a light on another Booming.Jobs colleague!

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor BOOMING.JOBS, afbeelding

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    Navigating the job search can be a struggle, not to mention the endless web searching which can send your mind into a spiral 😵💫 With these 5 powerful "How To's", you can approach the process more confidently and show employers the diverse skills and talents you can bring to their organization. 💼 How to Tailor Your Resume: Customize your resume for each job application by highlighting relevant skills and experiences. Use keywords from the job description to connect relevancy for the role. ✏️ How to Write a Compelling Cover Letter: Your cover letter should tell a story. Explain why you're passionate about the role and how your background makes you the perfect fit. Make it personal and engaging. 🗣️ How to Ace the Interview: Prepare by researching the company and hiring manager (if known), by practicing common interview questions by recording yourself or reading-aloud to a friend. Showcase your skills through real-life examples and stay confident and positive. 👩💼 How to Network Effectively: Use LinkedIn to connect with industry professionals that match your field of interest. Send a note as to why you are connecting and see if they would be available to have a call or meeting with you. Attend virtual networking events and don’t hesitate to reach out to people in your desired field for advice. 💻 How to Follow Up: After an interview, send a thank-you email reiterating your interest in the position. It shows professionalism and keeps you top of mind. And remember, keep on Booming! 💥

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    For our next Meet the Team spotlight, let us introduce you to Hajo Akkerdaas! 💥 👨🍳 Hajo started out in a very different industry than start-ups not too long ago. He worked in a brewery, starting out as a dishwasher, and over time worked his way up to Assistant F&B Manager at the largest hotel in the Benelux. 💼 After discovering an advertisement for a new job, it led him down the path to meeting our CEO, Jeroen. The two of them shared an appreciation for the hospitality business and soon after, Hajo joined the Booming team. Now as an Account Manager, he enjoys interacting with his clients and the positive impact they can have together.  🍷Something that Hajo has recently taken an interest in is discovering and learning about wines. Who knew we had a sommelier right here in our office! Stay tuned for next Wednesday, when we shine a light on another Booming.Jobs colleague

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    We are working hard to make the job search experience even easier and our CEO Jeroen sums it up perfectly; "you are in control of your own growth"!

    Profiel weergeven voor Jeroen Fikkers, afbeelding

    Dream it. Do it.

    BE BOOMING 🚀 Al vanaf december zijn wij met BOOMING.JOBS, achter de schermen, zo hard aan het knallen. De belangrijkste zaken zijn de rebranding en onze totaal vernieuwde website. Zo gaaf om te zien hoe in de komende maanden alles samen komt 💯. De visuele identiteit weerspiegelt onze sterke focus op kandidaten en ons optimisme. Iedereen mag trots zijn op de positie die zij op dit moment vervullen en de ambitie hebben om nog verder te gaan. Alles is mogelijk, jij hebt jouw eigen groei zelf in de hand. 😁 De website is een platform waar kandidaten nog makkelijker een werkgever bij hun in de buurt kunnen vinden. Door middel van slimme AI tools zorgen wij voor een uitstekende beleving van de zoektocht en een goed resultaat. De vacatures worden op de best mogelijke manier weergegeven, de zoekresultaten zijn nog passender en binnen een paar kliks heb jij al gesolliciteerd zonder CV. Aantrekkelijk, gebruiksvriendelijk, resultaatgericht en snel. Een flinke stap vooruit ten opzichte van de huidige jobboards 🚀. #startup #bebooming #groei

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    Over the next few weeks, we will be introducing the amazing team that makes Booming.Jobs the powerhouse organization it is. Drumroll please for our first team member introduction🥁🥁🥁 Meet Bart-Jan Sorée 👏 ☀️Bart began working as an intern at Booming in the summer of 2023, but quickly learned the ropes and by April of this year began working full-time as an Account Manager. ✨What he loves about the work is that he is always getting to interact with different people and tell them about our unique service. 💯He’s really looking forward to making Booming.Jobs a household name, where you can’t go a few meters without hearing it in conversation. 🍻One of his favorite activities is sitting on a nice, sunny terrace enjoying a cold beer and relishing in the Amsterdam vibes. More team features to come so stay tuned!

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