Why we need to embed smoking cessation into lung cancer screening programs

Parris Williams, PhD student at the NHLI, discusses her research looking at smoking cessation interventions delivered during lung cancer screening. Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in the UK for both men and women. Screening the at risk population with low dose CT is intended to catch the disease at an early […]

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From the mating behaviour of flies to Cystic Fibrosis; my journey from student to postdoc

My name is Matt Coates, I am a post-doc researcher with Professor Jane Davies in the Cystic Fibrosis and Chronic Lung Infection group. I was recently lucky enough to be awarded the European Cystic Fibrosis Society (ECFS) and CF Europe (CFE) post-doctoral research fellowship, and now plan to spend the next two years, and hopefully more, […]

Read More From the mating behaviour of flies to Cystic Fibrosis; my journey from student to postdoc


I am writing this blog as the NHLI Lead for Equality, but first and foremost I am writing this as a mother, a wife and a fellow human being. It’s been a difficult week, after months of Lockdown recent events in the US have really crushed me, I’m feeling mentally drained. My in-laws are part […]

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