How To: Get iPhone Emojis on Your Nexus 5

Get iPhone Emojis on Your Nexus 5

Emojis are a huge part of communication these days. In fact, I'm beginning to think that in a thousand years, historians will come across our then-ancient texts and speculate that we used a writing system that evolved from hieroglyphics.

As prevalent as emojis have become, it's only right that we get to choose our icon sets. A mod that Danny covered in the past allowed you to switch between stock Android and iOS emojis, and the customization that this offered was more than welcome.

But recently, developer Jack Ronan came up with a Nexus 5-specific mod that makes it even easier to get the iPhone's emoji set. After downloading his flashable ZIP, all emojis system-wide will be themed in the iOS style at the press of a few buttons.


Step 1: Download the ZIP

To get the iPhone emojis on your Nexus 5, start by downloading the proper ZIP file for your system. There are 2 versions of this ZIP—one for Android 5.1, and the other for devices running Android 4.4 through 5.0.1:

Step 2: Boot into Custom Recovery

When you've got the flashable ZIP saved to your device, it's time to boot into custom recovery. Start by powering your Nexus 5 completely off. When the screen goes black, press and hold the volume down and power buttons at the same time.

This will bring up Android's Bootloader menu. From here, press the volume down button twice to highlight "Recovery mode," then press the power button to select it.

Step 3: Flash the ZIP

Before flashing anything in custom recovery, it's always a good idea to make a NANDroid backup. If anything goes wrong, or if you end up not liking the mod, the easiest way to get things back to normal would be to restore that backup.

Having said that, the next step is to tap the "Install" button. From here, navigate to your device's Download folder, then select the "" file.

After that, just swipe the slider at the bottom of the screen to install the mod, then when that's finished, tap "Reboot System."

When you get back up, all of your emojis system-wide will now be themed in the iOS style. This means you can use any messaging app, and your emojis will all be shiny and new.

(1) Before, (2) After

To revert back to the stock Nexus 5 emojis, either restore your backup file, or flash this "uninstaller" ZIP file in recovery.

Do you plan on sticking with the iOS emojis for the long haul, or is this just something you did to freshen up your phone's interface temporarily? Let us know in the comments section below, or drop us a line on Facebook, Google+, or Twitter.

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Just only Nexus 5?

Didn't work for me. I'm running Android 5.1

Same here. Disappointing

I just updated Step 1 of this article to include a new 5.1-compatible version of this mod. Happy flashing!

Not working for me. i rooted with nexus towel root and did the process but here's the result

I think the problem here is that the Nexus 5's System partition has been almost completely filled up as a result of the 5.1 update. There's virtually no room to make modifications to system apps or files, and I think that's what we're running into here. It's a shame that we can't allocate more space for the system partition.

As a workaround, you can delete existing system files to free up space, but this is a bit tricky since many of these files are required for Android to run. But if there are any APKs for apps that you have disabled, they can be deleted to free up space. You can also use Titanium Backup Pro to convert apps to User Apps, which will free up space by transferring files from the /system/ partition to the /data/ partition.

Once you've freed up a little space (this ZIP only requires 11.4MB of free space), you can then re-flash this mod in recovery and it should work.

I got the same boxes on 5.1.. Please share a revert file for 5.1

There isn't a revert ZIP available for the 5.1 version, unfortunately. The problem some users are having with this is that the System partition on their Nexus 5 has been completely filled up by the 5.1 update. If you can free up 11.4MB of space on the System partition (I outlined some options in the post above), you can then re-flash this ZIP and it should work properly.

I'm running 6.0

It's not working, it won't even fucking open the file.... I've been trying to do this for an hour and I feel like a fucking idiot...

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