FileHippo News

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Verizon’s Yahoo Bid Sails Toward Rocks
Life for anyone involved with the troubled former internet titan, Yahoo, is continuing to get worse. With a recent history of failed spinoffs, strategic blunders, falling market share, and a continual brain drain as employees jump ship to competitors, it now also seems that Verizon’s $4.8 billion bid for... Read more
Tech Companies: “We’re Not Yahoo”
News broke this week of some pretty shady dealings from Yahoo. Some former employees have released the news that the company was spying on its own customers’ email accounts at the US government’s request, intent on snooping around for evidence of illegal activity through keywords and phrases. While the... Read more
Yahoo Secretly Scanned User Emails For US Government
According to a news report from Reuters, Yahoo last year designed custom software that searched all of its customers’ incoming emails for specific information provided by U.S. intelligence officials. Yahoo is currently in the process of being taken over by Verizon Communications in a $4.8bn (£3.8bn) deal. “Yahoo is... Read more
Yahoo Hack Proves Passwords Aren’t The Only Target
When large-scale data breaches and hacking events first became headline news, thieves were after credit card information, debit card accounts, and other payment details. But the problem with that type of low-hanging fruit is it’s all too easily changed. Within moments of the first fraudulent transaction–if it even goes... Read more
2014 Cyber Attack On Yahoo Hit 500 Million Users
Yahoo has admitted that a cyber-attack that took place in 2014 stole data from around 500 million user accounts, 300 million more than it originally admitted to in August. The news broke a new record for what may be the largest publicly disclosed hack in history. Information accessed and... Read more
200 Million Yahoo Accounts Up For Sale On Dark Web
Yahoo, the former web giant that once allegedly passed up the opportunity to buy both Google and Facebook, and was sold to Verizon last week for a fraction of what it was once worth, is investigating a possible huge data breach of its users credentials. The hacker known as... Read more
Yahoo Sold To Verizon…
…And Yahoo Becomes Just Another Footnote In The History Of The World Wide Web. Yes that’s right, Yahoo, the once ruling overlord of the World Wide Web has sold its core internet business properties to Verizon for $4.83 billion in cash. The news marks an ignoble end to a... Read more
Yahoo Decline Slows As Latest Financials Released But Oblivion Still Looms
Yahoo, a once Titan of the World Wide Web had only surprise in its latest quarterly release last week, and that was that the results weren’t quite as bad as everyone had expected. Not that that says much about the shape of the company. The only thing apparently holding up... Read more
Yahoo Releases FBI National Security Letters To The World
Despite continuing financial difficulties and an ever decreasing user base, Yahoo made some online history this week revealing what most people up on their technology news already knew; that it had received National Security Letters (NSLs) from the FBI. While Yahoo’s revelation probably doesn’t come as any surprise, and... Read more
Yahoo To Warn Users Who Are Targeted By State-Sponsored Hackers
Yahoo is to begin warning users if they become the  targets of state-sponsored hackers. The company has become the latest Tech firm, behind Google, Facebook, Twitter, and others to warn users of state attacks. “We’ll provide these specific notifications so that our users can take appropriate measures to protect their... Read more
Firefox Still On Fire And No Longer Needs Money From Google
The Mozilla Foundation, the not-for-profit company behind popular web browser Firefox has revealed that it’s doing just fine without Google’s millions. For the longest of times, it often appeared that Mozilla’s fortunes relied on the charitable mood of Google to remain viable. Google were in real terms, practically bankrolling... Read more
Yahoo Mail Blocks Users Using Adblockers
Yahoo has started to prevent some of its Yahoo-Mail users accessing their email if they use ad-blocking software in their browser. Several hundred users in the US have encountered a message that asks them to disable their ad-blocker before being allowed to  access their Yahoo Mail. “Please disable Ad... Read more
Yahoo Mail Goes Password Free
So it looks like the next time you log in to your Yahoo Mail account from a smartphone, you might not need your password… Instead, you might just need “Account Key.” In the month that Yahoo Mail turns 18, users of Yahoo Mail can now check their email using nothing more... Read more
Yahoo Planning To Launch Virtual Assistant
Yahoo is planning a virtual assistant service in the vein of Apple’s Siri, Google Now and Microsoft’s Cortana, according to sources speaking to Business Insider. The service will offer search results, contextual information, important updates and located-based news. Yahoo is working alongside the advertising team on the project—known internally... Read more
Yahoo Closing China Offices
Yahoo is closing their research center in Beijing. The announcement may not seem that drastic. After all, offices close all the time. However, in this case, there maybe hidden agendas. Yahoo’s Beijing office is the only location for Yahoo in China. It said in a statement: “We are constantly... Read more
Use Yahoo Video Chats? You May Have Been Spied On
Everyday, it seems, there is new information released that makes individuals question how private their “private” lives really are. If it’s not revelations about the NSA intercepting our telephone calls and/or our emails, it seems to be something along those same lines. Unfortunately, in the year 2014, it doesn’t... Read more
Yahoo Buys Gaming Company Cloud Party
Yahoo has acquired a gaming company specializing in virtual worlds called Cloud Party.  Cloud Party launched in 2011 and their aim was to provide a three-dimensional, multiplayer gaming platform that could run directly inside a Web browser without plug-ins. Users could build their own avatars and worlds.  They then... Read more
Pony Botnet Steals 2 Million Passwords
According to researchers at Spiderlabs, criminals have scooped up more than 2 million passwords for sites such as Facebook, Yahoo and search engine giant Google, but it appears that the data was stolen via malware-infected machines rather than a direct hack of their systems. Trustwave‘s SpiderLabs delved into source... Read more