FileHippo News

The latest software and tech news

Instagram unveils Reels, a TikTok clone
Is TikTok the best app in the world right now? There is an increasing amount of evidence that a lot of people at Facebook and Instagram HQ seem to think so. In fact, the Instagram team loves the Chinese Vine clone so much that the Facebook-owned app has just... Read more
World Blood Donor Day: How Facebook is helping to increase US donations
Facebook has announced that it is playing a part in helping to increase blood donations in the US. Today marks World Blood Donor Day. It was founded by the World Health Organisation (WHO) to raise awareness about the need of regular donations. The day in itself serves as a... Read more
The internet pays tribute to Grumpy Cat
Social media has been in mourning following the passing of perhaps the internet’s most famous feline. The death of Grumpy Cat, so named for her permanent scowl, was announced by owners this time last week (Friday May 17). However, the loss of the Arizona cat – who died aged... Read more
What you need to know about the WhatsApp attack
Following a huge attack on one of the most popular messaging services, users are being advised to react. News of the WhatsApp attack echoed around the world when it broke on Tuesday May 14. It is understood that hackers found a “major vulnerability” on the messaging app. They were... Read more
What you need to know about romance and confidence fraud
A heart-breaking statistic has recently been discussed by security software experts, yet it’s perhaps not a surprising one. Avast posted an article about romance and confidence fraud to its blog following contact with an FBI expert. Titled ‘Romance and confidence fraud: Cybercrime’s $363 million secret’, Jeff Elder’s article is... Read more
Don’t fall for this Royal baby scam
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex introduced the latest Royal baby on Wednesday May 8. However, before official photographs were shared, cybercriminals were reportedly already preying upon the worldwide intrigue. It is understood that there were fears concerning a Royal baby scam. Yes, fraudsters were apparently using the birth... Read more
The Game of Thrones #AryaChallenge brings out the best of social media
Warning: Game of Thrones spoilers are coming… We’re curious here at FileHippo HQ, have any of our readers done the #AryaChallenge yet? We didn’t like to ask last week as we appreciated it would have given away not just a little spoiler, but THE spoiler. Yes, it was Arya... Read more
Vine descendant Byte begins beta testing
FileHippo told you last November that a long-awaited follow-up to Vine was being launched. Now there’s been another exciting development… Byte is set to carry on where Vine, the former short video app sensation, left off. Its creator, Dom Hofmann, confirmed the news last year. It was no secret... Read more
Key steps for a healthier Twitter revealed
Leading figures at one of the world’s biggest social media platforms have revealed plans to make it safer. A healthier Twitter has been promised, with key steps outlined. This comes following a blog post written by Twitter vice president Donald Hicks and senior director David Gasca. The pair, co-writing... Read more
The Important Social Media Changes The Epilepsy Society Want to See
The UK Government has been urged to protect people with photosensitive epilepsy, by better regulating fast-paced social media content. Warnings have been issued by The Epilepsy Society, a charity looking to raise awareness of “online harms”. It’s understood that a growing number of people with epilepsy have experienced seizures... Read more
Internet Regulation: Mark Zuckerberg’s Four Ideas
The founder of Facebook has published four ideas that he believes could help better regulate the internet. Mark Zuckerberg’s four ideas revolve around harmful content, election integrity, privacy and data portability. He published his thoughts in a Facebook Newsroom blog titled ‘Four Ideas to Regulate the Internet’, published on... Read more
Facebook Ban White Nationalism and Separatism
Leading social media platforms have announced steps to block ‘praise, support and representation’ of white nationalism and separatism. A Facebook ban will be handed to anyone flouting new rules. It will also apply on Instagram, owned by Facebook, and comes into force this week. This development follows Facebook’s revised... Read more
Facebook User Passwords Exposed Internally – What You Need to Know
After millions of passwords were left exposed internally, the world’s largest social media giant has spoken out. Facebook user passwords were stored in a readable format within an internal data storage system earlier this year. The BBC reported how the passwords were “accessible by up to 20,000 employees”, citing... Read more
Myspace data loss: The reaction to former social media giant losing 12 years of content
One of the first online social networks has this month apologised to users, following a huge loss of data. Myspace, founded in 2003, may have seen its popularity wane in recent times. However, seemingly much to the surprise of many, it’s still going and has recently been big news!... Read more
World Wide Web inventor Sir Tim Berners-Lee urges us to build a better web
This month marks 30 years since the creation of the web, prompting the man behind it to share his thoughts. The World Wide Web’s founder and inventor, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, has written an open letter to mark the occasion. Translated into four languages, ’30 years on, what’s next #ForTheWeb?’... Read more
Latest ‘Tim Apple’ twist as Donald Trump takes to Twitter to explain
It’s the ‘mistake’ everybody has been talking about so far this month. Plus, it seems, the story that keeps on giving… So, during an advisory meeting at the White House, US President Donald Trump appeared to call Apple CEO, Tim Cook, “Tim Apple”. Mr Cook, whose name appeared on... Read more
Expensive Chat launched as a ‘social experiment’
A new internet chat service has been launched, but there’s an interesting twist. Expensive Chat, launched by entrepreneur Marc Köhlbrugge, will charge you a cent for every character you use. On the face of it, you wouldn’t think that it would really catch on. Though, rather surprisingly, scores of... Read more
Discussion sparked around social media community standards, following Tommy Robinson Facebook ban
The world’s biggest social media platform has spoken out about community standards. This follows the much-talked-about removal of a profile reportedly linked to “organised hate”. Facebook and Instagram announced on Tuesday February 26 that the accounts of Tommy Robinson would be removed. This has been welcomed by many and... Read more