FileHippo News

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New Features Enhance Panasonic Smart TVs
The new trend of improved technology has affected and revolutionized almost every aspect of human life. The trend extends from something as extensive as space shuttles to something as miniscule and common place as a television set. Panasonic, one of the leading producers of technical house hold items was... Read more
Tizen-powered Linux Phones Coming in 2013
Samsung is to launch a new competitive Tizen-powered operating system this year. The global leader in consumer electronics has confirmed the new devices will be released in 2013, but has not elaborated on prices or model specifications. While Samsung has had its own share of success with Android and... Read more
Sprint to Offer Windows Phone 8 in Summer 2013
The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2013 in Las Vegas was host to a number of exciting announcements and new developments in the electronics business. In a surprise move, Sprint announced it would be including two Windows 8 powered smartphones to its portfolio this summer. The phones by HTC and... Read more
Linux Fuduntu 2013.1 Offer Steam and Netflix Support
Among the market for operating systems, users find little options at their fingertips particularly for laptops and net books. However, the launch of Fuduntu introduced a new and fun operating system that incorporated all the properties of the Fedora Linux and the Ubuntu Linux. Although mainly designed to function... Read more
Nvidia Launches Handheld Gaming Device
Nvidia CEO Jen-Hsun Huang unveiled two brand new products at the consumer electronics show on January 7th. The first is Tegra 4, a CPU for tablets and smartphones that will revolutionize the industry. The second is the Shield. The Tegra 4 is pretty much a quad-core system on a... Read more
What Samsung Sees as the Future of TV
I’m sure most of you are familiar with smart phones and their ability to access virtually anything with the swipe of a finger. But how many of you can imagine this scenario? You walk into your living room and plop down on the sofa. Someone forgot to replace the... Read more
Apple Launching Cheaper iPhone to Compete with Android
Most readers would rub their eyes after reading the headline. Apple is notorious for pricing their products highly when compared to the other companies in the industry. However, the Cupertino giant has revealed plans to launch a cheaper iPhone in developing markets. The company has been facing increased competition... Read more
The Most Unusual Gadgets at CES 2013
You never quite know what to expect at some of the product debuts.  You find fascinating gadgets, products that make you say “I could really use that” and then there are the ones that you just say “what is that?” Some of them may become major sellers to consumers... Read more
SkypeHide: Keeping Skype Confidential
Secret messages, covert channels and hidden information may sound like something from the Bourne Ultimatum film, but it is also part of an alleged new offering from Skype. If Skype, which allows users to communicate via microphone, webcam, instant messaging and phone calls, goes ahead with the newfangled concept,... Read more
This Week’s Top 5 Trending Videos
Christmas is over, and we are already into the second week of 2013. It seems only yesterday we were watching videos of a monkey scratching his behind, smelling his finger, and fainting from what we assume was exhaustion. You would think that we have come a long way since... Read more
Can Vuzix Smart Glasses Steal the Scene from Google?
Google Glass has made the news for some time now, but it’s still nowhere near completion. However, other companies have gotten on board with the idea of designing a wearable computer and are attempting to produce their own version for earlier release. One of those companies is Vuzix. The... Read more
Ubuntu OS Phones to Ship In 2014
It has been some time since I’ve carried around an Ubuntu-toting laptop, but my memories of the OS sure are fond ones. I remember the first time I used Ubuntu over a decade ago. I was really impressed with the easy installation (No drivers needed. Gasp!) and the clean... Read more
A Touch Too Far or a Safe Bet for Windows 8?
Despite clocking up 60 million licenses to date, there have been many scathing reviews of Microsoft’s Windows 8. Will the technology giant’s move into the touchscreen market be worth the gamble? In a bid to try and regain the ground lost to Apple and Google, Microsoft are making a big bet on... Read more
The Pebble Kickstarter Watch Goes to CES
The most successful Kickstarter project of all-time will attend the 2013 Customer Electronics Show.  Pebble has raised over $10 million on the crowdsourcing site, a massive $500,000 in its first day. What makes the Pebble different from other watches and is the reason it is so popular is that... Read more
Apex HD+ Goggles
For those adrenaline junkies who enjoy filming their off-piste exploits, the latest gadget from a California-based company is sure to impress. Whether off to Aspen, Whistler or the French Alps, action camera manufacturer Liquid Image Co has devised the perfect aerodynamic goggles. The accessory is fitted with a video... Read more
Lenovo’s New Table PC
In a world where personal computers are getting smaller and more people are using smartphones and tablets, Lenovo has decided to come up with something drastically different: a large 27” PC. The Interpersonal Computer This idea is so different that it even calls for a different name, the interpersonal... Read more
The Best Games of 2012
Everyone has compiled their lists of the best video games to come out last year. For those of you who haven’t bought any new games in awhile, you want to spend your money on only the best. While each list varies with who is number one, there are some... Read more
Google Admits Blocking Windows Phone 8 Users from Google Maps
2012 may be over but Microsoft and Google are still going at it. The latest in a long list of fiascos emerged when some reports suggested that people using Windows Phone 8 devices were not able to access Google Maps. It didn’t take long for the news to catch... Read more