FileHippo News

The latest software and tech news

Strong Passwords: How To Make Them
It is commonplace to see the phrase “Be sure to use a strong password.”  In fact, if you have any dealings whatsoever online, then you will constantly see it.  Why should you have a strong password? Well, for one thing if you don’t and your data is easily accessed,... Read more
How To Run A Quick Scan Using Malwarebytes Anti-Malware
I am not a betting man, but if I were, I would put money on the fact that either you or someone you know have been affected by rogue software at some point.  Whether that be a Virus, Worm, Ransomeware, or a Trojan or any other kind of Malware... Read more
How To Scan An External Drive For Malware Using Avast!
If your computer becomes infected with malware, it may not just affect your computer’s primary hard drive. They can also find their way into devices such as flash drives or external hard drives as well. Avast! Free Antivirus is able to perform a complete scan of your external hard... Read more
How To Erase Data From A Hard Drive
Data is important to everyone.  The last thing you need is someone you don’t know getting hold of your information.  It is important then, to know how to erase your data from your computer. You may need to do this because your computer is being sold or given away... Read more
How to Set Up A Passcode On iPad
Security is a big thing these days isn’t it?  It is a wise move to lock down all of your devices in one way or another.  Take your tablet for instance.  By setting a passcode on your Apple iPad, you can protect your data in case it is lost... Read more
How To Manage A Friend/Relative’s PC
If you are asked to help out on occasion to ‘fix’ a friend’s PC, chances are that you really could do the job simply in a few minutes.  In such a case it is irritating to have to organise both your time and your friends time to sort out... Read more
How To Keep Your Children Safe Online
The Internet is a place filled with so much knowledge and entertainment, that you would not be able to come close to seeing even half of it in your lifetime.  Everybody should have access to this wonderful tool of information, from young ones to older ones alike.  A massive... Read more
How To Protect Your Data
As we all store an increasing amount of sensitive information on our smartphones, protecting our data is vitally important. Just consider, the last time you connected to a Wi-Fi hotspot, did you even stop for a moment to consider what risk you were putting your private data under? I... Read more
Are Your Internet Passwords Secure?
We might as well just go ahead and admit it: sometimes, we get lazy with our internet passwords. After all, it seems like anymore we have way too many passwords to remember. There’s the email password, the online banking password, the Facebook password, the work email password, and on... Read more
Guide to Setting up A VPN in Windows 7
It’s probably a good idea for you to consider getting yourself a Virtual Private Network (VPN) setup when you find yourself connecting to free wireless hotspots on a regular basis. With a VPN, you will have a free and protected tunnel through the Internet. Your data will be safe... Read more
How to Tell You’re Getting Scammed on the Internet
It’s a fact that most people believe that they would never fall prey to an internet scam.  While we have all heard tales of people being scammed, most of us believe that it couldn’t happen to us.  Though many of the tricks of the trade for internet scam artists... Read more
How to Deal With a Social Media Hoax
Due to social networking and the internet, many people have become citizen journalists, sometimes given first-hand accounts of stories and offering perspectives that many mainstream journalist’s cannot.   This is revolutionary in today’s day and age of instant news broadcast and information, but does have its drawbacks.  Citizen journalism does... Read more
How to Protect Young Kids Online
It’s important to protect kids when they are online.  Even a few simple steps can protect the safety and privacy of your children.  Preventative measures for parents fall primarily into two categories: technological and behavioural.   Technological Protection It’s up to you to decide what your child is and isn’t... Read more
How to Protect Yourself from Cybercriminals
Black Friday began the busiest shopping season of the year. Then comes Cyber Monday when the online deals get crazy and everyone shops on their laptop, tablet, or smart phone. This is prime time for criminals who want to hack into accounts and steal identities because more people are sharing... Read more
Top Tips For Keeping Your Passwords Safe
Not a day goes by when we don’t hear about yet another website being hacked and personal passwords being culled by hackers, only to be released online for the masses to view. Because password security has become such a major issue we have created some top tips for keeping... Read more