FileHippo News

The latest software and tech news

What does Antivirus Software do? The Ultimate Antivirus Guide
Antivirus software is without a doubt one of the most important pieces of software for your Mac or Windows PC. In fact, it probably is the most important thing to get right! In this article FileHippo will take a deep look into why that is the case. Of course,... Read more
What Is A VPN? Here’s Everything You Need To Know
Are you still not using a VPN? Maybe you should be. This year has already taken a rapid nosedive past the midway point and is quickly coming to a close. So far this year, though, we’ve already experienced record-setting numbers of cybercrimes, security flaws, and data breaches resulting in... Read more
How To Improve Cybersecurity for your Small Business: A Quick 7 Step Guide 
If you own a small business it’s far more important than you might think to take some time to protect yourself from hackers and cyber-criminals. But we get it…It’s a hassle, and unless you are running some sort of IT related company, the idea of implementing effective cybersecurity might seem as... Read more
Which Antivirus Is Right For You?
There are a heap of antivirus titles to choose from, but what you should look for? Cybercrime is big business these days and the methods used by nefarious digital agents are getting ever more sophisticated. Once upon a time, when the internet was but a fresh-faced young whipper-snapper, wearing... Read more
How To Improve Your Cyber Security In 5 Simple Steps
Using a quality antivirus, strong passwords, and a VPN for internet connections, with regular software updates and data backups, improves your cyber security. In previous instalments of this series, we discussed the basics of computer viruses and other forms of malicious software, and considered the basic principles and practices... Read more
Why Regular Software Updates Are So Important
To increase your system’s stability, fix performance problems, and improve security, an automated and regular software update is a wise decision. A regular software update routine doesn’t just ensure your applications and operating system have all the latest bells and whistles. A good software update can improve the overall... Read more
What Is Cyber Security?
Understand the essence of cyber security and the issues facing digital, internet and mobile users. What is cyber security, and what kinds of security threats and implications face personal and business users of the internet and digital realm? These questions often confuse and occasionally overwhelm, as we’re bombarded on an... Read more
Staying Private In A Post-Cambridge Analytica World
A guide to apps, data settings and how to keep your data private.  Whether you are looking to download software or are concerned about how your online activity is gathered and analysed, the need to stay private when using the internet has been brought into sharp focus in recent... Read more
Torrent Downloads: How To Stay On The Right Side Of The Law
Help clear up the confusion around torrent download software legality with our informative guide. When it comes to downloading information from the internet, it’s normally very clear whether what you are doing is legal or illegal. However, when it comes to file sharing via a torrent download, peer-to-peer (P2P)... Read more
Dodgy Downloads – What to Look Out For
Protect yourself from dubious downloads with our handy guide to staying safe online.  The internet’s great, isn’t it? Infinite variety and everything you want is just a click away – what’s not to love?! Well, as many of us have experience first hand, sadly all that glitters is not... Read more
A Beginner’s Guide To Malware, Viruses, And Spyware Online
It can be difficult to know which way to turn when it comes to online security. Learn about viruses, spyware and malware removal as we demystify digital threats. Online security is a massive concern for organisations and individuals alike, and software which can prevent viruses, or help with malware... Read more
Protecting Your New Tech In The New Year
Christmas often means a whole lot of new tech to enjoy, and that unfortunately means a whole lot of new security concerns as well. With the Christmas and New Year celebrations now becoming a rapidly-fading memory, the return to real life has come into sharp focus. However, still having... Read more
Word From Our Editor: Why You Need AntiVirus
If there’s one thing 2016 has taught us, it’s that it’s a scary world out there! Whether you’re a well-loved celebrity, a disillusioned voter, or a giant internet company brought to its knees by massive DDoS attack, this year has proved you can’t afford to be complacent… I’m going... Read more
Back To School Cybersecurity Tips
It may seem hard to believe, but summer’s almost over and the new school year is already here. While students prepare for the upcoming term by stocking up on supplies and scrambling to finish their summer reading assignments, there’s someone else who’s excited by the new school year: scammers... Read more
Keep Your Passwords Safe with Password Safe
Password Safe allows you to manage your old passwords and to easily and quickly generate, store, organize, retrieve, and use complex new passwords, using password policies that you control. Once stored, your user names and passwords are just a few clicks away. Using Password Safe you can organize your passwords... Read more
How to Create a Secure Password
With the phone hacking scandal and this week’s Russian webcam website, the issue of insecure passwords is on everyone’s minds. An astonishing number of people either do not change their password from the original default (often Admin or 1234) or choose something so obvious that their password may as... Read more
Do You Have a Disaster Recovery Plan?
Do you have a disaster recovery plan in place for your data? If not, checkout Macrium Reflect. The application is a complete disaster recovery solution for your home and office. Protect your personal documents, photos, music and emails. Upgrade your hard disk or try new operating systems in the... Read more
How To Secure Your Wireless Network
Do you use a Wireless network in your home? They are great in terms of flexibility, but you do need to protect your network against hackers. Lots of people assume their home router is not at any risk, but that is not correct. Wireless networks use radio waves, which... Read more