FileHippo News

The latest software and tech news

Roadtrippers: Get Outta Town
Most travelers these days use their phones to navigate. Perform a simple Google search on an address, and a detailed map with voice directions, nearby attractions, gas stations, restaurants, hotels and more is just a tap away. Still, there are companies that build additional features into mapping to try... Read more
Sygic Travel: Enhanced Mapping
Sygic Travel Map is a competitor in the map and navigation space. While Google Maps tends to reign supreme in this category, Sygic has tried to distinguish itself by offering features that make it more traveler friendly. But most of the stand-apart features require a subscription, so functionality in... Read more
Is the Free Version of TripIt Worth It?
In many sectors of modern life, technology has made things easier (we’re looking at you robot lawn mower). But when it comes to travel, it can be a little more complicated these days to get where you’re going without having to open multiple emails, scan multiple bar codes, and... Read more
New Apps Meet Everyday Needs
Years ago, I was standing on a Manhattan street corner, waiting on the car service to take me to the airport. A colleague who’d attended the same conference said, “Why are you waiting out here? Just use Uber.” After my blank stare, she was inclined to explain about this... Read more
App Developers Can Now Create For Ford Cars
In a market where automotive software can be very hush-hush, Ford has released a new desktop tool that will help app developers with the process of creating apps for the Sync in-car entertainment system. The new software, Sync3 AppLink Emulator, lets developers who’ve so far worked in smartphone and... Read more
The Coolest Part Of Apple Health App? Organ Donation
As they say, there’s an app for everything. But usually they’re talking about online dating, a game where a bird launches out of a slingshot, an app for weighing marijuana on your smartphone screen (because it’s always a good idea to leave trace residue of THC on your phone... Read more
WhatsApp Gold Offer Is A Scam
The link to download WhatsApp Gold is malware that installs data mining software on your computer or smartphone. WhatsApp is arguably one of the most popular workload streamlining and communication apps, with more than one billion registered users worldwide. And the news earlier this month that WhatsApp was rolling... Read more
Adobe Launches Spark For Dynamic Web Content
Adobe’s latest creation, an app called Spark, allows the creation of three different kinds of web-optimized content: Posts, Pages, and Videos. As a whole, software or apps that claim to produce professional results with nothing more than a drag-and-drop skillset have not always proven themselves to be trustworthy. After... Read more
My top 5 Free Software titles of 2015
It’s been a good year for Free Software, and I knows that I do like me some good free software. This year, like every year at FileHippo we’ve done our best to bring you, the people of internet the best free software available. I’ll be honest with you, I... Read more
Avira Takes Freemium.Com To Court
MUNICH, Germany (October 29, 2015) Avira, the world renowned antivirus and anti-malware tech giant, is taking to court for allegedly “…confusing users into installing unwanted programs that can compromise users�� privacy or weaken their computer’s security.” In a move widely being reported as the first of its kind,... Read more
Apple Removes Metadata+ Drone Strike Map App from App Store
In a sudden, and unexpected move, Apple unilaterally decided to ban the Metadata+ iOS app that maps US drone strikes from the Apple Store. The app’s main purpose was to send push notifications to users iOS devices when drone strikes were reported. Metadata+ was originally created to work in... Read more
Crystal iOS Ad-Blocker Now Paid To Show Ads.
Popular iOS Ad-blocker, Crystal, is to allow companies to show you ads and has come in for some serious criticism for doing so. Crystal developer, Dean Murphy, has made an agreement with a company called Eyeo GmbH that will allow some ads to be allowed past Crystal’s ad filter. Murphy... Read more
Opera Unveils New Branding And Logo
Opera: New Logo, New Direction? Opera, the popular and evergreen web browser for both desktop and mobile environments has got itself a new logo, and a new brand identity. The move is, according to the company themselves, however, more than just about replacing the old red “O” logo with... Read more
New Software Service Clever Opens Door For Classroom Apps
There is a wealth of educational software out there, and every possible app store is filled to the brim with great classroom tools. With content that streamlines classroom management, supports learning objectives, and reinforces teaching methods, it’s a great time to be both a public educator and a student…... Read more
Smartphone Software Is Changing The Face Of Medicine
Your smartphone may very well become your greatest ally in terms of caring for your health, if researchers, doctors, and software developers have anything to say about it. As of the writing of this post, more than 75,000 people are enrolled in health studies that rely on the patients’... Read more
Quip Desktop App Released For Mac And Windows
Recently Quip announced a new Mac and Windows version of its collaboration-friendly  messaging, spreadsheet, and word processing application. Until now, the app has only been available via Quip’s website and on Android and iOS. Users have been asking for a desktop app for a while now and the company has... Read more
Dropbox Releases Refreshing New Android App
This week, Dropbox released a refreshing new version of its Android app. The all new Dropbox 3.0 can be downloaded from Google Play. If you don’t see it in your Play store yet, don’t worry, the company said it’s “rolling out over the next few days.” The app has... Read more
Google Hangouts For Android Getting A Makeover
It looks like the Hangouts makeover Android fans have been asking for is finally happening, and it’s all thanks to Android Police. Google Hangouts has grown messy over time with a ton of features like Google voice calling, video chat, and even SMS messaging and users have not been... Read more