FileHippo News

The latest software and tech news

Should I download Mario Kart Tour?
Nintendo’s latest mobile game Mario Kart Tour has landed on iOS and android and has already started splitting opinion. The Nintendo app already has impressive ratings of 4.5 and 4,8 on the Google Play Store and App Store respectively, but something still feels off about the smartphone game and... Read more
Siri is recording your private conversations
It’s looking like Siri is one bad apple. People working for Apple have heard users talking about confidential medical info, buying drugs, and even having sex, according to an article from The Guardian. How are they hearing this? They’re doing it through Siri! Contractors hired by Apple are paid... Read more
Why ‘the death of iTunes’ isn’t the end of the world
After almost two decades the end of iTunes, as we know it, is here. Rumours of ‘the death of iTunes’ had been circulating for a while, but confirmation came this week. Well, for Mac users at least! Millions of people around the world store their music collections on the... Read more
Apple recall certain adapters due to potential ‘electrical shock risk’
Apple is recalling certain products over fears of electrical shock risks if broken. News of the Apple recall came earlier this week, when an ‘Important Notice’ was published on the tech giant’s official site. It’s understood many exchanges have already taken place. However some Mac users may still not... Read more
Apple Keynote Event Welcomes New Services
Apple has unveiled four huge new products, and the world of tech has reacted with excitement and intrigue… As expected, the Apple keynote event in California was star-studded and saw some big announcements. Not only will Apple launch a new TV streaming platform, it will also create ‘a new... Read more
Tech world reacts to Apple’s first sales forecast cut in 16 years
Weak iPhone demand is behind Apple’s first profits warning since 2002, amid a number of other factors. Chief executive, Tim Cook, published an open letter to Apple investors on Tuesday January 2. In the document he confirmed that Apple was revising its guidance for the fiscal 2019 first quarter.... Read more
This is the ‘life-changing’ iPhone space bar hack that everyone is talking about
An apparently ‘secret’ hack involving the iPhone space bar is, rather hilariously, ‘blowing minds’ across the world right now. Surely, we’ve all been in the situation where we have to move the cursor while texting to edit a misspelt or unwanted word? This can be potentially problematic, especially if... Read more
Volkswagen drivers can now unlock their cars just by talking to Apple’s Siri
Siri is now allowing Volkswagen drivers to unlock their cars with just the command of their voice. We all know that life in 2018 can be pretty busy. Often you rush to your vehicle with your hands full of the most essential things – your workbag, your laptop and... Read more
Tech Employees Unhappy At Govt Use Of Their Work
Employees of Amazon, Google and Microsoft raise complaints about Government use of their tech In 2015, Apple drew intense praise and criticism for its refusal to hack one of its own products following the mass shooting in San Bernardino, California. The company claimed to field nearly a dozen requests... Read more
The New iPhones Have A Problem, Apple Admits
A feature of the new range of iPhones sparks debate. Apple just released what is arguably one of its most impressive tech lineups since the very invention of the iPhone/iPad family, and according to numerous industry experts, the hype is completely justified. New enhancements to both the iPhones and... Read more
EU, Germany Propose New Tax On Tech Companies
But will it remain temporary? For decades, wealthy businesses and their owners have relied on offshore accounts and registering companies in places like the Cayman Islands in order to avoid paying their fair share of taxes, and the tech industry is no exception. With companies like Amazon, Facebook, Apple,... Read more
macOS 10.14, Mojave Drops But Is It Any Good?
So, the new macOS “Mojave” has landed but has it lived up to expectations? The answer is yes, mostly.   All things considered, Mojave is a welcome addition to the pantheon of Mac OS… MacOS’s, and comes with a slew of new features and upgrades, but with a with a few things missing that should really have... Read more
Working Apple-I Computer Sells For $375,000 At Auction 
An extremely rare working Apple-I logic board from 1976 sold for $375,000 on Tuesday this week.    The Apple-I is one of only a few fully functional models still known to exist. The Apple-I exists at a special point in history for personal computing. It was the first computer that was essentially plug-and-play (by the standards of 1976)... Read more
Apple Live Event: How Did They Improve The iPhone?
Apple unveiled the next generation of iPhones at the annual Apple Event CEO Tim Cook took the stage of the Steve Jobs Theater on Wednesday to share a few innovations from the Cupertino tech company, and the iPhone got its own special segment. After expounding on the great features... Read more
Apple Live Event: Next Gen Apple Watch S4 Is a Lifesaver
Apple has revealed the next generation Apple Watch S4, and here’s what you need to know On Wednesday, Apple kicked off a highly-anticipated live event from Steve Jobs Theater at its Cupertino headquarters. The Mission: Impossible theme, plenty of humorous throwaways, and a running agent, complete with furniture hurdles... Read more
No, Your iPhone Isn’t Listening To Everything, Apple Says
Apple have insisted in a letter to US Federal authorities that despite the number of conspiracy theories going around, iPhones only listen to their users when they use the ‘Hey Siri’ trigger phrase. Apple has also said that there is a clear visual indicator that lets users know when Siri is listening, to a... Read more
Netflix Jumps Apple Fees, Bypassing App Store Signup
This could be bad news for Apple… Netflix has proven something in its nearly two decade-history: it’s a game-changing innovator who’s constantly experimenting in order to stay relevant and profitable. From its start taking on the age-old video rental store concept as a DVD-by-mail subscription all the way through... Read more
Apple Removes 25,000 ‘Gambling’ Apps From China App Store 
Chinese officials and State Media criticize Apple for hosting gambling apps. News has emerged this week that Apple have been forced to cull some 25,000 gambling and lottery apps from its China App Store although at the time of writing, Apple have not confirmed the number. Apple were forced to remove the... Read more