FileHippo News

The latest software and tech news

Your work space optimized: how to Securely Erase the right Confidential Business Files and Free Up Space

In today’s business world, data security and storage efficiency are more crucial than ever. With the proliferation of devices and the increasing amount of sensitive data we handle daily, it’s essential to have tools that allow us to protect our clients’ information and optimize our workspace simultaneously. Stellar File Eraser…

Adobe Lightroom Updated
Adobe Lightroom is state-of-the-art professional photo development, manipulation and organization software. Lightroom’s powerful features will enable users to transform RAW photographs into beautiful images of any kind. The sharpness, contrast, tone, white-balance and color can be adjusted in fine detail manually or through the large range of default and... Read more
Take Pictures Like A Pro!
No matter what your subject matter is, a serene landscape, a bird nestling in the trees, your toddler covered in chocolate or just the dog sleeping in its basket, we all want to achieve photographs that have that professional looking edge. Here are some tips on how to achieve... Read more
The Flone: A Phone & Drone Combined
What do you get when you combine a smartphone with a frame that enables it to fly through the air? Why, you get a Flone, of course! Who says you have to be a multi-millionaire to own your very own drone? Some inventors have figured out a way to... Read more
Download The Latest Version Of IrfanView
IrfanView is a quick, small and compact Freeware graphic viewer for Windows.  You can manipulate and export images in a variety of formats.  There is support for old file formats and in a variety of languages. Key Features of IrfanView include: Many supported file formats.  Multi language support.  Thumbnail/preview... Read more
Get The Perfect Selfie Every Time With This Guide!
When it comes to selfies, TechBeat has it covered – we’ve shown you the best and worst celebrity selfies, the best timed ones and how people will go to extreme lengths to capture that crazy selfie. But is there a secret to snapping your good side? With the numerous... Read more
FastPictureViewer 1.9 Build 335 (32-bit)
FastPictureViewer is an image viewer that has been specifically designed for photographers.  The software now has powerful workflow tools that help to automate file management duties such as copy, move, delete, save-for-web and others. FastPictureViewer has the Fastest RAW viewer ever made.  Other outstanding features include: Instant zooming to... Read more
Are These Photos Proof Of The Loch Ness Monster?
People have been looking for proof of the Loch Ness monster for years. Some are adamant that it exists, while others are just as adamant that it’s a figment of overactive imaginations. Whatever the truth is, a new photo that has surfaced around the world thanks to Apple Maps... Read more
Adobe Announces Lightroom Mobile For iPad & iPhone
Adobe has announced that it is bringing Lightroom to mobile devices, starting with the iPad and then later to the iPhone. Just like the desktop version, the Lightroom app will enable you to work with RAW photos, as well as smartphone images, so that you can make the most... Read more
35 Million Getty Images Become Free To Use
Have you ever-needed specific images for something and didn’t quite know where to look?  Well my friends, the search is over as the world’s largest photo agency, Getty Images, has made a massive amount of its library free to use, in an effort to combat online piracy. Millions of... Read more
New Features Added to FastStone Image Viewer
FastStone Image Viewer is an easy-to-use tool for editing, converting and viewing images. Packed full of features, it supports all major graphic formats and also popular digital camera RAW formats. The latest version, FastStone Image Viewer 5.0, sees an added option to the Slide Show tool, called ‘Crop to... Read more
CP+ Japan: Overview
Each year Japanese consumers gather at CP+ in Yokohama, Japan for a four-day trade show.  All the big names always show off their new product lines to local audiences here and have done so for the last 50 years.  Canon and Nikon still dominate the digital imaging market, closely followed by other players... Read more
Flag App Will Print & Mail Your Photos For Free
Since smartphones came along, we all do things a lot differently than we used to. Take developing pictures for instance. In years gone by, we had to take a roll of film from a camera into a photo center and choose how we wanted it to be developed. Then,... Read more
Passenger Records His Plane Crashing & Takes Selfies
If you were aboard a plane that was crashing, what would you do when you realized all hope was lost? Would you say a prayer? Try and take charge and calm everyone down as much as possible? Maybe call your spouse, family or kids? Or, maybe you’d take out... Read more
Early Antarctic Photographs Taken By Explorers Found Preserved
A team from the New Zealand Antarctic Heritage Trust have made a fascinating discovery. Whilst conserving an Antarctic exploration hut, the team stumbled across a small box of undeveloped negatives, which have been frozen in a block of ice for almost 100 years. Ironically photographers historically stored film in... Read more
GESTURES App Promises Easier & Better Pictures
For anyone who likes to take pictures with a phone, which is probably most of us, there comes a point when we realize that there are just too many buttons on the camera interface. There seems to be a button or icon for everything under the sun: flash, capture,... Read more
Narrate Your Photo Stream With Shadow Puppet App
Carl Sojgreen and Adrian Graham built the Shadow Puppet application back in April 2013 but it launched at the same time as the iOS 7 update. The ex Google and Facebook executives who are used to building winning apps have created an application for people to turn their photos... Read more
InstaThis: For Your Instagram Photos On Wood Or Acrylic
What do you do with all those Instagram photos that you upload? Digital photography sure has changed our habits drastically, but it does not mean that photo prints are out of the picture. In fact, photo printing services continue to enjoy good business, simply because we still tend to... Read more
The Best Action Cameras Available
Be it snowboarding, skiing, cycling, kayaking, snorkeling, or whatever you prefer, your favorite sporting adventures are quite simple to capture and preserve thanks to modern technology. “Helmet Cams” of today are progressing in their abilities to stand up to any extreme condition an adventurer might subject it to. But... Read more