FileHippo News

The latest software and tech news

Top 5 Productivity Apps
The best software to help you be more productive. With winter finally behind us and the promise of summer in the air, it’s the perfect time to ‘Spring clean’ your life, kick start those projects and be more productive… finally! To help you take the first steps towards being more effective... Read more
Amazon Launches Conversion Software For eBooks
New tool helps authors convert Word docs for Kindle publishing platform. Over the years, Amazon has grown from an online book retailer to an all-things-internet empire, offering tools for everything from uploading an ebook to creating a video game. A new tool launched in beta goes back to its... Read more
Best Free Data Recovery Software
Lost or deleted files or data? You need our Top 5 free file recovery tools. Whether it’s due to a virus, hardware failure, or just good old human error, it’s all too easy to lose vital files. That critical report you’ve got to deliver tomorrow; the huge end of year... Read more
Reviewed: Stellar Phoenix Windows Data Recovery
Dig deep into your PC’s hard drive to re-discover lost files. There are a lot of storage options for our important files, and if you asked a hundred different users which they preferred, you’d get a hundred different answers. But one thing that every user has in common –... Read more
EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard Free – The Definitive Free Data Recovery Software
EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard Free: Recovering lost or broken data quickly and efficiently. EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard Free is the definitive free data recovery software anyone can install and use for when you need to recover deleted, formatted or lost data quickly and effortlessly from your machines. There are... Read more
Word From Our Editor: Eight Great Productivity Apps To Kick Start Your New Year
Too much food consumed? Check. Too much hooch drunk? Check. A bunch of tat received from relatives that’s now on eBay? Check. Well then, with Christmas finally behind us and 2017 underway, here’s our top 8 free productivity apps to help kick-start your new year. From turbo-charging your to-do... Read more
Hardware The Way You Want It: Ellp
What if you had the ability to make your hardware run exactly the way you think it should? That you could automate a number of the processes your computer or device already does, making them run more to your exact needs? There’s a new software in public beta that... Read more
Todoist Productivity App Adds AI Features
There are is shortage of productivity apps on the market, all of them aimed at making your life easier and your workday more productive. A quick peek into the iOS App Store for “to do list” turned up literally thousands of results. But there’s an inherent problem with many of the... Read more
Facebook Bypasses Adblockers On Desktops
Facebook has, according to a post on their blog, found a way around installed adblockers on desktop browsers. Quite how the social media giant has managed this hasn’t been totally revealed as of yet, but if the news is correct, then even Facebook users deploying ad-blocking software will begin... Read more
Password Memory 6: Never Have To Remember Another Password Again!
Password Memory 6 takes the hassle out of passwords The average person has to have  passwords for around 20 different email and website accounts. These days, having to keep tabs on an almost endless array of login details and account names can be a frustrating and tedious experience. The... Read more
Evernote Changes Pricing Structure
Evernote has gone up on its prices or cut some functionality in the free plan…and users aren’t happy. New outrage has hit the internet as Evernote users deal with changes to the company’s pricing structure, as outlined in a blog post from the company two days ago. Evernote, the... Read more
Advanced IP Scanner – Simple Yet Powerful
As a tech writer who has reviewed an awful lot of software products over the years, the ones I like the most are the ones that are good, and also, free. Advanced IP Scanner is just such one product. Its mechanics are robust, its features powerful, and the interface is simple,... Read more
Feedly: Lightweight, Fast, Easy To Use RSS Reader Worth Checking Out
Let’s just cut to the chase about Feedly, shall we? Feedly is an RSS reader that does exactly what it says it’s going to do, and doesn’t hold back on the features. If you want to follow your favorite news sites, gossip, eBay stuff, YouTube channels and shows, Tumblr... Read more
Microsoft Launches Win10 Desktop App Converter
We love great new desktop gadgets or operating systems but is the Windows 10 Desktop App Converter going to be a disappointment? There have been few software launches in the history of computing that were met with such loud opposition as the launch of Windows 10; to be fair,... Read more
Wrike Web App Leads The Field In Productivity
The internet has done great things for the world as a whole, not the least of which is the way it’s enabled huge changes in distance collaboration. Whether it’s working with a top-notch design team across the country, or learning from one of the best professors in your field... Read more
LastPass Update Encrypts Your Online Logins
You know you’re supposed to be doing it, but it’s just such a bother, isn’t it? All that typing and the memorizing and the keeping it all straight…it’s such a hassle. Unfortunately, that’s the all-too-common sentiment behind most internet users and their reluctance to create strong, unique passwords. Heck,... Read more
LastPass Gets Long-Awaited Update
In a world rife with hacking events, cybercrime, and record-setting numbers of data breaches, it falls to tech users to be as proactive as they can about guarding their content. All too often, the user names and passwords that protect our accounts are the gold standard in identity theft-related... Read more
Remote Connecting Made Easy With NoMachine
NoMachine is a remote desktop utility designed for people of all skill levels. The ability to connect to other PC’s and devices legitimately has been around for a long time. But having used several other similar based programs such as TeamViewer, No Machine is the one I’ve managed to... Read more