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Adobe Acrobat Pro is the ultimate solution for increased productivity

Disclosure: Our team is always looking for things we think our readers will value. We have received compensation for publishing this article. Despite our many technological advances today, we still sit with situations where we open several apps for a task. You use one to compile a document, another one…

Adobe Acrobat Pro is the ultimate solution for increased productivity
Disclosure: Our team is always looking for things we think our readers will value. We have received compensation for publishing this article. Despite our many technological advances today, we still sit with situations where we open several apps for a task. You use one to compile a document, another... Read more
How to use Autopilot to automate customer communications
In some ways, the digital landscape in which businesses operate these days has made life simpler. But in many other cases, things have gotten more complicated. Take customer communications for instance. The phone and snail mail used to be about the extent of things when it came to interacting... Read more
Remote Device Access Redefined with TeamViewer 14 | AD
Searching for a way to get quick, easy and secure access to your system and files no matter where you are in the world? We may have your answer… TeamViewer 14! When TeamViewer 14 was launched it was described as the new standard for remote control and support. It’s... Read more
Top Software Picks for CRM with Automation
Any business owner will tell you that the working world moves fast. Sometimes it can be difficult to keep tabs on EVERYTHING by yourself. Don’t worry, in this article we’ll explain how you can do just that! Finding a CRM solution with automation that fits perfectly with your business... Read more
Apple Keynote Event Welcomes New Services
Apple has unveiled four huge new products, and the world of tech has reacted with excitement and intrigue… As expected, the Apple keynote event in California was star-studded and saw some big announcements. Not only will Apple launch a new TV streaming platform, it will also create ‘a new... Read more
How to do your Taxes at Home
Cracking on with your taxes can often be a daunting task. But there is no reason why it should be, especially thanks to top software! In this article FileHippo will talk you through how you can do your taxes at home. It doesn’t matter if you’re based in the... Read more
Amazon cancels New York City HQ2 project and 25,000 jobs
The world’s largest online retailer has pulled the plug on creating a new hub in New York. Following “fierce opposition”, Amazon has cancelled plans to create a new headquarters in New York City. The project would have seen 25,000 people employed. In a statement, the company revealed that it... Read more
WhatsApp Business to add new web and desktop features to celebrate birthday
To celebrate its first birthday, WhatsApp Business has added some handy features to its desktop and web services. The WhatsApp Business features now available, via fresh web and desktop designs, have been confirmed. Published in an official blog post, the changes are hoped to speed up day-to-day business and... Read more
Digital solutions to supermarket shopping on the way, thanks to Microsoft and Kroger partnership
Microsoft is teaming up with America’s largest grocery store to create a smarter shopping experience. It was announced on Monday January 7 that the global technology company has partnered with Kroger. Together the brands hope to introduce digital solutions to the retail industry, piloting two ‘connected experience stores’ using... Read more
Tech world reacts to Apple’s first sales forecast cut in 16 years
Weak iPhone demand is behind Apple’s first profits warning since 2002, amid a number of other factors. Chief executive, Tim Cook, published an open letter to Apple investors on Tuesday January 2. In the document he confirmed that Apple was revising its guidance for the fiscal 2019 first quarter.... Read more
Four of the best: CRM software with Outlook integration
Microsoft Outlook is one of the most popular email services out there. It’s used by more than 600 million people around the world and provides great communication offering. However, it’s not the best at helping you to manage customer relationships. So, the obvious answer to this dilemma is to... Read more
How to Manage a Dispersed Workforce with Business Software
Since the dawn of the digital age we have seen a larger number of dispersed workforces and remote employees. This, of course, has brought benefits of flexibility and the ability to appoint once (literally) out of reach specialist staff. However, there is a range of common issues faced by... Read more
Trends about working away from the office revealed by Avast report
A new study has revealed some intriguing trends and observations about employees who work remotely. The Avast Business Mobile Workforce Report 2018 is now being shared with business owners, in a bid to inform them about the positives and negatives of a mobile workforce. Data from a survey of... Read more
Facebook launches £4.5m Community News Project to support local journalism
An ambitious Community News Project has been funded by Facebook, in a bid to enhance local journalism in the UK. In the era of ‘Fake News’ allegations, and digital media casting a shadow over print, the social media giant has been regarded as an ‘enemy’ of journalism by some.... Read more
How To Keep Track Of Employees Time With HR Software
Running a “one-man-band” business can leave you spinning a lot of plates simultaneously, and this only becomes more intense once you start taking on staff. Suddenly you’re not just responsible for managing your own workload, but also those of the people working under you. Thankfully, this is 2018, which... Read more
Does Your Business Need A VPN?
No matter how big or small your company may be, there’s one business tool you literally cannot afford to be without: a VPN. What is a VPN? In oversimplified terms, it’s your own personal tunnel onto the internet. That might sound like the stuff of hackers or international operatives,... Read more
Project Management Software For Construction
Whether you are building a log cabin, brick house, entire residential development or at an industrial level, there’s software that can help. If you already work in construction then you know that in ever more turbulent times the very essence of the industry is changing. Labor costs can rise and fall, materials cost... Read more
Essential Small Business Software That Won’t Break the Bank
Whether it’s for HR, CRM, or project management, small business software should be cost-effective and save you time and effort. For smaller scale enterprises whose budgets can’t stretch too far, business software first and foremost needs to be economical. This doesn’t necessarily mean cheap in the low-quality sense –... Read more