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For questions about wireless networking (802.11), including any licensed or unlicensed RF medium used to provide point-to-point or point-to-multipoint network links.

0 votes
1 answer

Extended Service Set in Wireless Networks

I am learning about the different kinds of service sets in Wireless networks and I have a few questions about the ESS. …
Mitrixsen's user avatar
  • 877
0 votes
1 answer

Active vs Passive scanning in Wireless Networks

I read that there are two ways a wireless client can scan for a wireless network. …
Mitrixsen's user avatar
  • 877
6 votes
3 answers

WiFi versus Wireless LANs

I've just started learning about Wireless networks and I have a question about the terms "WiFi" and "Wireless LAN". … Can these 2 terms be used interchangeably or is there any major difference between a WiFi and a Wireless LAN? …
Mitrixsen's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Authenticating APs and WLCs

I am currently learning about WLCs and Lightweight APs. My book mentions that every AP and WLC must authenticate each other with digital certificates, and that a X.509 certificate is preinstalled in e …
Mitrixsen's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Stretching VLANS across a network infrastructure

I am learning about Autonomous and Lightweight APs at the moment and I came across this slide from a course that I follow. This specific line I know that this problem can be solved by using Lightwei …
Mitrixsen's user avatar
  • 877
0 votes
2 answers

Can 2 devices communicate on the Internet at the same time using WiFi?

I am currently learning about Wireless networks and I have read that Wireless Networks are Half-Duplex and all devices receive the frames sent by other devices just like with Ethernet hubs. … Does this mean that if we had 2 devices like a smartphone and a laptop connected to a Wireless router, for example The smartphone would receive all the data that the Laptop sends to the internet and vice …
Mitrixsen's user avatar
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