The Neovim Social Media Platform for Developers


Building with the Community!

Understanding the importance of collaboration, we've chosen to develop our protocol with the community's input, aiming to create pragmatic specs that meet real user needs. This approach not only enhances the platform's functionality but also aligns with our vision of an open, self-governing ecosystem that champions transparency, accountability, and user control.

Just as Vim, Neovim, Bitcoin, and Ethereum have shown, community-driven projects foster innovation and success. Built on atproto, we champion a community-powered approach, where every voice has the power to shape the platform.


Advanced Features!

Introducing markdown posting support to enrich your posts and facilitate seamless integration with Neovim, Vscode, and other editors. Build your integrations, and choose to engage locally or globally, thanks to our federated network model. This ensures that while your network is yours, it's not isolated, allowing for broader connections and interactions


Freedom and Ownership!

At the core of our philosophy, we believe that your data, posts, relationships, and interactions are inherently yours. Unlike traditional social media platforms where your digital identity is owned and controlled by the corporation, we offer a space where you maintain full ownership and control over your content and connections.