Birthday celebration with candle 110 - Chocolate cake on blue background

Source: Luis Echeverri Urrea / Getty

In a heartwarming ceremony held on Tuesday, Culpeper County commemorated Dollie Berry, one of its most cherished residents, who recently marked an extraordinary milestone of 110 years.

Led by the Culpeper County Board of Supervisors, the evening ceremony paid tribute to Berry’s remarkable life and enduring legacy. Born in 1914 in Shanktown, Berry has borne witness to some of the most pivotal events in modern history. Her lifetime spans four major wars, 19 presidential administrations, the Great Depression, the Civil Rights Movement, the moon landing, and numerous other significant moments.

Berry, who has two children, three grandchildren, two great-grandchildren, and two great-great-grandchildren, comes from a family known for longevity; her older sister, Laura Hoffman, lived to be 107 years old. Her life serves as a testament to resilience, wisdom, and the rich tapestry of history she has experienced firsthand.

source: The DMV Daily

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