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Questions relating to the uses, history, types, or analysis of counterpoint.

2 votes

How to apply counterpoint to my own compositions?

Makes sure to distinguish between true multi-voice counterpoint (polyphony) and counterpoint in homophonic style. In homophonic style parts function as bass, soprano, and inner-voices. … We can describe all that with the same terms and concepts from species counterpoint, but the combo isn't literally playing species counterpoint. …
Michael Curtis's user avatar
3 votes

How to use counterpoint to write melodies over chords

It isn't a problem of combining counterpoint with styles other than Bach or Palestrina generally. But you specifically have to rethink the treatment of dissonance in traditional counterpoint. … The textures may be more on the homophonic side, but quartet writing also tends to highlight all four instruments so it balances homophony and counterpoint. …
Michael Curtis's user avatar
0 votes

On which beats should a composer avoid consecutive perfect intervals?

Just adding a bit to @Richard's answer. You can try thinking in terms of harmonic rhythm not just beats. If the harmonic rhythm were slow, like two beats per chord, then your potential parallels would …
Michael Curtis's user avatar
0 votes

Another Counterpoint Dissonance Handling Question... Species Counterpoint

On the whole I would say the homophonic style gets a lot of its sensibilities regarding dissonance handling from counterpoint, but adds a lot of things not found in species counterpoint. … Back to the species counterpoint. We can no see two problems that come up using a homophonic melody like this for species counterpoint. …
Michael Curtis's user avatar
2 votes

Can you leap to a 4th on weak beats in 3rd species counterpoint

Species counterpoint tries to idealize a Palestrina style which predated harmonic chord theory. You want to harmonically reduce... this... ...but this is counterpoint. … But that isn't the point of species counterpoint exercises. No one writes species counterpoint as actual composition. It doesn't reflect modern musical styles. …
Michael Curtis's user avatar
0 votes

How much oblique motion is allowed in 3 part counterpoint

When you do species counterpoint exercises like this you should be working from a book which should give you the rules and guidelines. …
Michael Curtis's user avatar
5 votes

Is one octave above tonic also considered as tonic?

Is one octave above tonic also considered as tonic? Yes. The concepts and terms involved are pitch class and octave equivalency. after 7th degree we need to move 6 steps down to the 1st degre …
Michael Curtis's user avatar
1 vote

In counterpoint why can I not harmonize a 3rd to a 5th interval in the outer voices?

The purpose of counterpoint is more like harmonizing melodic lines where no melodic line is subordinate to another. … Horizontally, counterpoint seeks good, equally important melodic lines in each part. Vertically, counterpoint seeks variety of harmonic intervals. …
Michael Curtis's user avatar
2 votes

Is an arpeggio considered counterpoint or harmony?

When the word counterpoint is used it connotes polyphony, multiple, independent, equally important lines, like a fugue. … The question isn't whether your music is counterpoint or harmony. The music has both elements simply because you have simultaneous pitches. …
Michael Curtis's user avatar
4 votes

Is counterpoint still used today?

I get the feeling the question is more along the lines of: is there counterpoint in homophonic music, or is a homophonic bass part a contrapuntal line? I think the answer is yes to both. … ...still sticks in my mind as making a muddle out of a simple idea: independence of contour and rhythm makes counterpoint. …
Michael Curtis's user avatar
11 votes

What is the purpose of the rules in counterpoint composition?

When you say "counterpoint rules" I immediately think "Fux" and species counterpoint. Species counterpoint is a teaching method. … From that perspective counterpoint "rules" are meant to teach you those aesthetics: what is consonant what is dissonant and proper handling of dissonance valuing musical variety harmonic stability/instability …
Michael Curtis's user avatar
3 votes

Additional reasons why perfect 5th is forbidden in contrapuntal writing (other than voice in...

Early Mozart isn't normally considered contrapuntal, but the harmony did follow the old counterpoint voice leading conventions. … Parallel fifths weren't the norm for that early classical style as the style's harmony was still rooted in counterpoint. …
Michael Curtis's user avatar
6 votes

What is "leading note" and what does it mean to "raise a note"?

You mentioned cantus firmus which suggests 16th century counterpoint, modal scales, and the species counterpoint teaching of Fux. …
Michael Curtis's user avatar
1 vote

What intervals does the "consecutive interval" comprehend?

Fux's species counterpoint basically puts a limit of three on consecutive intervals. …
Michael Curtis's user avatar
2 votes

How to identify modes in Medieval counterpoint?

The problem is with how Joseph - the student - began his counterpoint... ...Aloysius - the teacher - explains that the counterpoint should have started on D. … The downside of learning counterpoint in this format is just what Aloysius apologizes for: the rules aren't outlined in a concise, logical manner at the beginning. …
Michael Curtis's user avatar

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