Mouse Create Coding Course

The Coding course gets youths familiar with one of today’s most valuable 21st century skills. Youth learn front-end web design skills with activities on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, programming experience in the command line using high-level languages, and basic computer programming processes.

Mouse has designed several courses as recommended learning sequences for groups that want to focus on competency areas that complement one another thematically. Learn more about our Mouse Courses.

Course Projects

female students working together on the computer

female students working together on the computer

female students coding together in a group with a mentor helping another young lady on the side

a female mentor assisting a male and female student on the chatbot project

  • Tag Tag Revolution: Learn about HTML tags and markup, dance party-style.
  • Source Whisperer: Draw a website by hand using HTML source code.
  • Hack the News: Hack the code of the homepage of your favorite news site to tell a fun or thought-provoking story.
  • Make a Simple Website with Glitch: Make and publish a simple website with Glitch.
  • HTML & CSS Relay: Team competition to be the first to finish remixing the a webpage on Glitch.
  • People Programming: Challenge to identify every step you do to search for information on the web.
  • Javascript Generator: Remix JavaScript code using Glitch to create your own randomized words generator!
  • Javascript Takeover: Remix a JavaScript bookmarklet using Glitch and transform the web with pictures of your choice!
  • Javascript Chatbot: Learn how robots are programmed to talk and then program your own talking robot with Glitch Chatbot!
  • Text Your Computer: Use the command line interface to perform basic tasks such as creating and editing text files.
  • Hello World: Learning various programming languages and differences between each of them.

Related Projects

  • Alternate Reality: Code a choose-your-own-adventure story with Glitch and Javascript.
  • Build a Mobile App with App Inventor: Code and test mobile apps in MIT's App Inventor 2!
  • Code a Card: Code a virtual greeting card in Scratch!


On Mouse Create, youth ages 13 and older have the opportunity to earn digital badges through Credly to recognize their accomplishments, which they can share on social media networks and college applications.

Mouse Create

Mouse Create is our online learning platform designed for young people to build the skills they need to apply design and technology creatively to the world around them. Mouse Create provides hands-on, interactive projects that include everything from web literacy and fixer skills, to innovative content areas, like circuitry, game design, coding, and green technology.

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