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-2 votes
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Is there a more collateralizable home?

Consider a situation where a loan officer examines the degree of collateralizability of a real estate. For example, one could compare: Sturdiness: wood v. brick. Flood/Tornado Plain: more vulnerable ...
Frank Swanton's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Understanding pledge, mortgage, and collateral in home buying

I am trying to better understand the terms pledge and collateral, in home buying. My understanding is that a Pledge is usually a pawn or piece of property used to secure "financing". When I try to ...
Frank Swanton's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Mortgage as present value of resale worth

I would like to ask someone who is knowledgeable in home loan and mortgage financing. Consider a home with an appraisal value of $ 400k. Let the down payment on this mortgage be $80k (i.e. 20% of $...
Frank Swanton's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Mortgage vs cash for a first-time home buyer

I need advice: I'm in a condo contract, priced at $175K. I have been looking around for mortgage, and got a quote for a 3.125% 15-year mortgage with 20% down payment (so loan would be 140K). I was ...
Tina J's user avatar
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4 answers

Mortgage broker vs bank mortgage for home buying

I'm a new home buyer, buying a condo. Now that we have already signed a contract, a question raised for me. Is it recommended to get a mortgage directly from a bank or through a mortgage broker? ...
Tina J's user avatar
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0 votes
3 answers

Credit Card usage before taking a mortgage in the USA?

As a first time home buyer, I am hearing many things about the financial steps to take before applying for a mortgage. I have been told that its better to not use credit cards at all for about two ...
KingsInnerSoul's user avatar
60 votes
9 answers

Why are 30-year mortgages seen as unwise, if you can pay off the loan in a shorter period of time anyway?

I'm slowly working towards buying my first home (yay!), and have been playing around with the numbers. As far as I can tell, there's literally zero advantage for getting a 10 or 15-year mortgage since ...
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2 votes
2 answers

What's the process to buy an old house to tear it down and create a new one?

I'm seeing an old house in Union City, NJ, that I'd like to buy to tear it down and create a 3 family one to generate income. What are the steps to take in this process and what kind of contract ...
Arthur Accioly's user avatar