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Planning to buy a new car in India.

  Options I have are as follows:

 - Company leased car
 - Direct Auto Loan from finance company
 - Full one-shot payment from savings
  • Company leased car
  • Direct Auto Loan from finance company
  • Full one-shot payment from savings

From all the articles I've read today, Fullfull one-shot payment from savings (which iI think iI can afford) sounds like the best approach since car is a depreciating asset.

Is my understanding correct? Or should iI still go for a partial finance via company leased car or direct auto loan? If I should, will iI actually benefit from the tax-savings angle?

Planning to buy a new car in India.

  Options I have are as follows:

 - Company leased car
 - Direct Auto Loan from finance company
 - Full one-shot payment from savings

From all the articles I've read today, Full one-shot payment from savings (which i think i can afford) sounds like the best approach since car is a depreciating asset.

Is my understanding correct? Or should i still go for a partial finance via company leased car or direct auto loan? If I should, will i actually benefit from the tax-savings angle?

Planning to buy a new car in India. Options I have are as follows:

  • Company leased car
  • Direct Auto Loan from finance company
  • Full one-shot payment from savings

From all the articles I've read today, full one-shot payment from savings (which I think I can afford) sounds like the best approach since car is a depreciating asset.

Is my understanding correct? Or should I still go for a partial finance via company leased car or direct auto loan? If I should, will I actually benefit from the tax-savings angle?


Is it advisable to go for an auto loan if I can make the full payment for a new car? [India]

added 34 characters in body; edited tags; edited title
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Planning to buy a new car in India.

Options I have are as follows:

 - Company leased car
 - Direct Auto Loan from finance company
 - Full one-shot payment from savings

From all the articles I've read today, fullFull one-shot payment from savings (which Ii think Ii can afford) sounds like the best approach since car is a depreciating asset.

Is my understanding correct? Or should Ii still go for a partial finance via company leased car or direct auto loan? If I should, how would Iwill i actually benefit from the tax-savings angle?

Planning to buy a new car in India.

Options I have are as follows:

 - Company leased car
 - Direct Auto Loan from finance company
 - Full payment

From all the articles I've read today, full payment (which I think I can afford) sounds like the best approach since car is a depreciating asset.

Is my understanding correct? Or should I still go for a partial finance via company leased car or direct auto loan? If I should, how would I benefit?

Planning to buy a new car in India.

Options I have are as follows:

 - Company leased car
 - Direct Auto Loan from finance company
 - Full one-shot payment from savings

From all the articles I've read today, Full one-shot payment from savings (which i think i can afford) sounds like the best approach since car is a depreciating asset.

Is my understanding correct? Or should i still go for a partial finance via company leased car or direct auto loan? If I should, will i actually benefit from the tax-savings angle?

As per comments, not actually 'full down payment' but rather, 'full payment'.
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