While viewing related questions on Meta Super User, I noticed [two][1] [questions][2] with the same title.

[!["Super User website applications policy"][3]][3]

Initially I assumed this was a strange coincidence or a bug in the system. But then I realized the two questions were ***literally*** exact duplicates.

**Same title, author, comments, answers, migration path, top answer, and related posts.**

Even the vote counts for comments and answers are similar between both questions.

Strangely, none of the comments on the [prior question][1] are linked to any specific users. Each of the profile names is unclickable, as if the comments were somehow made anonymously, or every user had their accounts deleted.

**How is it possible for there to be two *exact* duplicate questions, including duplicate comments and answers?**

  [1]: https://meta.superuser.com/questions/821/super-user-website-applications-policy
  [2]: https://meta.superuser.com/questions/2498/super-user-website-applications-policy
  [3]: https://i.sstatic.net/ycuEs.png