# TL;DR: 

Should [meta-tag:moderation] be added to questions about the general practices of using moderation privileges in Super User? Could it be better to create a new tag, i.e. "community practices" or "best practices" to make it easier to find the most relevant posts about Super User community, rules, policies, and culture? 

What are the available features that help to find discussions about the current rules, policies, and workings (aka community standards) for using the moderation privileges of Super User? 


# Specific real situation

I created multiple filters, 

1. **Google Chrome** for questions having one of the tags that I found related to this web browser
2. **Google Drive** for questions having one of the tags I have found related to the online file storage service for end-users from Google.
3. **Google apps** for questions having one of the tags I have found related to Google software applications for end-users not included in the previous filters.

Google apps show many closed questions, so I added `closed:0`. The relevant tab showed me the following question as the second result


The question was posted on October 7, 2010. Web Applications was already a "full site" (it graduated on September 30, 2010). The question body of this question only includes a spreadsheet formula. It has [tag:google-docs], which doesn't make sense nowadays. It includes [tag:microsoft-excel], [tag:spreadsheet], and [tag:google-spreadsheet].

This meta post from 2016 asks about how to handle questions about this


The above meta post only includes [meta-tag:discussion]. I want a meta post like this to have a tag that helps to find questions like this more easily.

In the meantime, I created an outline in Diigo. Is this the best that I can aspire? As a user with that barely has privileges to participate in Meta (I can flag and comment but not edit meta posts), 

- What is the proper way to ask to add tags to the above post?
- Is my only option to request to add an existing tag like [meta-tag:moderation], or I'm allowed to ask to create a new tag?
- If I'm allowed to request to create a new tag, what should I include in a request to add a new tag?

# Addendum

As long-time users know, Super User is part of The Trilogy of four (Stack Overflow, Server Fault, Super User, and the first Meta). This meta site has some relatively recent posts related to interactions with OPs (answering, commenting, flagging, etc.)

There are 14 questions with [meta-tag:faq]. Still, other questions that do not have this tag discussing the use of moderation privileges might have important insights about how these privileges are better used in Super User.

Some posts do not have [meta-tag:faq]; having [meta-tag:moderation], might be worth reading by new users and probably all who use their moderation privileges. Below there are a few examples (newest first):  

- https://meta.superuser.com/q/14041/1794161
- https://meta.superuser.com/q/12903/1794161
- https://meta.superuser.com/q/12515/1794161

Other posts do not have [meta-tag:faq] and not [meta-tag:moderation] but have tags about moderation privileges like [meta-tag:flagging], [meta-tag:close-reasons], [meta-tag:vote-to-close]. 

Finding the most relevant post about using the moderation privileges looks to be hard as but these tags also are used in posts about specific questions, [meta-tag:feature-request], [meta-tag:bug], and [meta-tag:support]. Below there are a few examples:

#### No tags

- https://meta.superuser.com/q/14994/1794161

#### [meta-tag:flagging], [meta-tag:close-votes], [meta-tag:close-reasons], [meta-tag:policy]

- https://meta.superuser.com/q/14905/1794161
- https://meta.superuser.com/q/14725/1794161
- https://meta.superuser.com/q/11598/1794161

I think that tag [meta-tag:faq], should be reserved for community rules and policies that have an authoritative status and are about the community standards, not for discussions about best practices or about the community aspirations (stuff that goes beyond the minimum that is expected from people that use the moderation privileges).


### Community Building
[Community Building Stack Exchange][1] has `rules-and-polices`, `community-standards`, among other tags.

#### [rules-and-policies][2]
> For questions about creating, changing, clarifying rules or policies for a community or group of communities.

#### [community-standards][3]
> The rules that a community must follow.


The idea is to make it easier to find discussions about the workings of Super User that might not be the same as other sites, and that might have evolved over time.

Community Building
- [How to handle user whose heavy participation causes minority of bad contributions to be a drain on moderator resources?](https://communitybuilding.stackexchange.com/q/694/7020)
- [How much effort should be put forth in directing new users who post without familiarity?](https://communitybuilding.stackexchange.com/q/700/7020)

Meta Stack Exchange
Newest first.  
- https://meta.stackexchange.com/q/291687/1359324
- https://meta.stackexchange.com/q/290991/1359324 (no answers)
- https://meta.stackexchange.com/q/229789/1359324
- https://meta.stackexchange.com/q/177550/1359324

Stack Overflow Meta
[Answer](https://meta.stackoverflow.com/a/316468/21769175) to [When and how do mature [faq-proposed] posts graduate to \[faq\]?](https://meta.stackoverflow.com/q/316464/21769175)

  [1]: https://communitybuilding.stackexchange.com/
  [2]: https://communitybuilding.stackexchange.com/tags/rules-and-policies/info
  [3]: https://communitybuilding.stackexchange.com/tags/community-standards/info