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How are there two *exact* duplicate questions? (Title, body, answers, author, date, migration path)

While viewing related questions on Meta Super User, I noticed two questions with the same title.

"Super User website applications policy"

Initially I assumed this was a strange coincidence or a bug in the system. But then I realized the two questions were literally exact duplicates.

  • Same title: Super User website applications policy
  • Same author: Lance Roberts
  • Same date asked: February 16, 2010 at 17:02
  • Same migration path: Migrated from
  • Same answers: Top answer by fretje
  • Same comments
  • Same tags
  • Same related posts

Even the vote counts for comments and answers are similar between both questions.

Strangely, none of the comments on the duplicate question are linked to any specific users. Each of the profile names is unclickable, as if the comments were somehow all made by anonymous or deleted users.

How is it possible for there to be two exact duplicate questions, including duplicate comments and answers?

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