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Ben N
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Let's fix all the broken images

One of the steps on Stack Exchange's road to HTTPS is the replacing of embedded http:// images with secure ones. This has been done automatically for a lot of images, but there are some that can't be automatically fixed. These were rewritten in the HTML (but not the Markdown source) to be text links instead of image embeds. It would be good to go through the affected posts and make images display correctly, or remove the link debris if they can't be restored.

Since there seems to be a problem with the CrowdCrafting task's data, we can look through the results of this SEDE query (slightly adjusted from this version by Jefromi). It says that we currently have about a thousand posts that may require our attention.

As usual when doing big batches of edits, try to avoid flooding the front page, and please try to fix all obvious problems before submitting an edit.

Ben N
  • 41.3k
  • 28
  • 56