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Oliver Salzburg
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added 8 characters in body
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@IvoFlipse was looking for a query to find old unanswered inactive questions with low views/votes. Because those kind of questions clutter the site and keep the unanswered question ratio high, it is a good idea to keep the site clean from questions like these.

It's very unlikely that someone that asked a question (about a problem) that has been inactive and not popular for more than a year, will still be very active and have the same problem now.

So, we worked on a query to find such questions. As flagging doesn't allow mass deletion, we opened this meta question where we can list such questions. So, we invite you to flag and list those questions that should be deleted, as per moderator approval.

There is also a chat room now for discussing the removal of low-quality old questions and promiting high-quality but unanwered old questions.There is also a chat room now for discussing the removal of low-quality old questions and promoting high-quality but unanswered old questions.

@IvoFlipse was looking for a query to find old unanswered inactive questions with low views/votes. Because those kind of questions clutter the site and keep the unanswered question ratio high, it is a good idea to keep the site clean from questions like these.

It's very unlikely that someone that asked a question (about a problem) that has been inactive and not popular for more than a year, will still be very active and have the same problem now.

So, we worked on a query to find such questions. As flagging doesn't allow mass deletion, we opened this meta question where we can list such questions. So, we invite you to flag and list those questions that should be deleted, as per moderator approval.

There is also a chat room now for discussing the removal of low-quality old questions and promiting high-quality but unanwered old questions.

@IvoFlipse was looking for a query to find old unanswered inactive questions with low views/votes. Because those kind of questions clutter the site and keep the unanswered question ratio high, it is a good idea to keep the site clean from questions like these.

It's very unlikely that someone that asked a question (about a problem) that has been inactive and not popular for more than a year, will still be very active and have the same problem now.

So, we worked on a query to find such questions. As flagging doesn't allow mass deletion, we opened this meta question where we can list such questions. So, we invite you to flag and list those questions that should be deleted, as per moderator approval.

There is also a chat room now for discussing the removal of low-quality old questions and promoting high-quality but unanswered old questions.

edited tags
  • 13.4k
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Added link to "witch unt" chat room
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added 925 characters in body; edited tags; edited title; added 8 characters in body
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Tamara Wijsman
  • 57.5k
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Post Made Community Wiki by Ivo Flipse
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  • 13.4k
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