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Placing a user's comment in their own post

I can't really think of a specific title for this since it's only just grown on me and I can't find anywhere else so rename if needed, and sorry in advance.

So I was on this post and in the comment, the user named Steven indirectly asked if he could give more information by asking a few questions because the question isn't entirely specific

Basically I want to completely wipe the hard drive and after that install an OS, I can only get into bios, how can I do this?

so the user who posted his issue replied in the comments:

I can access only the bios and if I try to boot up I just get a black screen and the flicking underscore for when you are typing text but I can't actually do anything. I was trying to install arch linux and it doesn't matter if it's recoverable, I just want to start fresh. I will use Ubuntu for a while before messing with arch again.

My question is: Are we able to edit his post and paste his extra information there? Since posts should be as informative and specific as possible to make it easier to fix the problem.

I've considered something that may have answered my own question by saying to myself "but everyone can see the comment clearly when they visit his post so why would I need to post it again?"

Can anyone end my dilemma?