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8 votes
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Job link on tag page 404s

Tags that have jobs associated with them have a "[tag] jobs" link on them: Since Jobs is no more, this link now 404s. It should be removed.
loops's user avatar
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Share tag page in message from company in Jobs [closed]

In Stack Overflow Jobs when sharing a link to a tag such as[php] then the last square bracket isn't considered as part of the url In this case, the ...
Tiago Peres's user avatar
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-8 votes
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Create the "Blockchain" tag for the "Industries" select option

The blockchain industry has attracted more and more attention from the modern community. However, we can't find similar keywords from the Industries select option which is in the Match preferences of ...
Penny Liu's user avatar
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25 votes
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Offer popover information for tags in jobs section

Explanation: Currently there is no pop over information when hovering over tags in the jobs section. Sometimes there are interesting technologies that I haven't heard about and some kind of ...
kemicofa ghost's user avatar
14 votes
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Hovering over tags on Stack Overflow jobs should show the same info as other sites

I got a job recommendation that had pandas. I had never heard of this. I clicked on the tag in the email, expecting to go to the tag wiki, but instead it took me a to a job search for only that tag. ...
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7 votes
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Unable to re-order jobs filtered by C#

This is related to but NOT the same as: Unable to filter jobs by C# That is related to just linking through by clicking on the 'c#' tag in listings, this is about re-ordering after getting to the page ...
Lski's user avatar
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Are employers allowed to create their own tags?

I've seen a job ad and one of the skills described there was a tag which I haven't recognized, namely foveated-rendering. However, when I went to the tags on SO, there seems not to be anything like ...
Konrad Viltersten's user avatar
4 votes
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Are the tags next to job offers randomized or, at least, automated?

Sometimes I peek at the job section of SO to get a feeling of what's hot and what's not. I understand the less-than-scientific methodology behind it but it still gets me an idea, not to mention the ...
Konrad Viltersten's user avatar
8 votes
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Show tag wiki tooltip for jobs tags [closed]

Say I see a job that is tagged foo, and it looks cool enough that I am now curious about foo. Right now, hovering on the tag doesn't tell me anything, and clicking on the tag just sends me to a ...
C8H10N4O2's user avatar
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Why c# tag alone highlighted in jobs advertisement [duplicate]

Why the c# tag alone highlighted in jobs advertisement and not other tags. On what logic c# only highlighted?
Arulkumar's user avatar
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2 votes
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Tag cut off when creating CV [closed]

When creating my CV today, I noticed that the plasma tag was cut off in the little hoverbox. Here's a picture to show you what I mean: My current hypothesis is that the problem arises because the ...
mgilson's user avatar
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9 votes
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Display bug in the Edit Job Preferences modal

Firefox 45.0.1 It looks like the tag on the left side is being pushed out of sight.
John's user avatar
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19 votes
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"Fill out your CV" too many tags and strange edit behavior?

I assume my CV profile was transferred from the old Jobs site. I have more tags than will fit in the rather small single-line input box, and the tags overflow off the right side with no apparent way ...
Jim Garrison's user avatar
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