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91 votes
2 answers

I challenge the [kattis] tag

The tag info page for kattis says it all: Use this tag for programming challenges found on Kattis is a website where you can find hundreds of programming problems to solve. Kattis is ...
Bergi's user avatar
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72 votes
2 answers

The [high-resolution] has been downscaled

This tag has been burninated. Please do not recreate it. If you need advice on which tag to use, see the answer below. If you see this tag reappearing, it may need to be blacklisted. high-resolution ...
Chris Schaller's user avatar
22 votes
2 answers

Should we unprocess [python-textprocessing]?

The current python-textprocessing tag has 136 questions on Stack Overflow. We currently have tags for both python and text-processing (1721 questions). Does this tag really add any meaningful ...
Mohammad's user avatar
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26 votes
2 answers

How could we make [todictionary] less ambiguous?

There is this todictionary tag, with 53 questions. But the tag is way too ambiguous... It doesn't have a tag wiki nor does it have a tag wiki excerpt. The original use for this tag (at least I suppose)...
U13-Forward's user avatar
  • 71.2k
54 votes
2 answers

The [qa] tag has been burninated

Stack Overflow has a qa tag (with the synonym quality-assurance) with almost 1400 questions, out of which around 9% are closed. From a quick look over the questions, there seems to be a bit of ...
Mureinik's user avatar
  • 306k
94 votes
3 answers

Should we pipe [MangoDB] to /dev/null?

I propose we burninate the mangodb tag. Users have been confusing it for the mongodb tag, as it's only one letter different. There are now 33 questions remaining on the tag after I went through and re-...
Joundill's user avatar
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20 votes
0 answers

We need to clean out our [cleaner]

The cleaner has 2 questions and no usage guidance. The first one is about making cleaner CSS, whereas the other is about the Cleaner class in java. Does it describe the contents of the questions to ...
Alan Bagel's user avatar
50 votes
1 answer

There are multireasons the [multifile] tag should be burninated

The multifile tag has no wiki information and has 82 questions. Every question has at least one other tag. It hasn't been used much recently (no questions in the last 30 days; about a quarter of ...
Jonathan Leffler's user avatar
41 votes
0 answers

What if [whatif] were removed?

The whatif tag has 15 questions and no tag wiki. 6 questions are about the -WhatIf flag common to several (Windows?) PowerShell cmdlets 3 questions are about a What-If parameter in Power BI 6 other ...
user avatar
54 votes
1 answer

How did this tag not get burninated on its [date-of-birth]?

The date-of-birth says For questions related to storing, retrieving, and viewing Date of Birth (DoB) information. Again, the burnination questions: Does it mean the same thing in all common contexts?...
idk wut to put here's user avatar
57 votes
1 answer

Shod wee bernynate tae [syntex] tg?

The syntex tag has 12 questions, but 11 of them are not about the now unmaintained Rust library by this name (thanks @RyanM for digging that up). There is no tag description or wiki page. Following ...
tripleee's user avatar
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29 votes
1 answer

Rename [airbnb] to [airbnb-js-styleguide]

The airbnb tag is specifically about their JS style guide, based on the tag wiki excerpt: For questions about complying with one of Airbnb's JavaScript style guides (located on GitHub). [...] ...
TylerH's user avatar
  • 21.1k
82 votes
1 answer

Make love, not [codewars]

Related: Can we remove the Codility meta tag? We now have a codewars tag, which has 8 questions. This should be removed for the same reason that codility was removed: this really isn't a programming ...
EJoshuaS - Stand with Ukraine's user avatar
95 votes
2 answers

This tag has been [lib]erated from existence

I recently stumbled on the lib tag, with no wiki and 779 questions covering a wide range of topics. The commonality in all the questions is that users are referring to a "library", for which ...
Daniel Widdis's user avatar
27 votes
1 answer

What is our [roadmap] for burnination?

Discussion of the [roadmap] tag happened as early as 2014, but no decision was apparently made at that time and the proposal was not clearly in favor of burnination. I specifically propose burnination....
Robert Columbia's user avatar

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