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Jan 7, 2016 at 21:23 comment added JonH @Shog9 - No shout out or swag for me :-( sad! It was a great podcast.
Jan 5, 2016 at 20:10 comment added Shog9 Yup, @JonH. There's even a tag:
Jan 5, 2016 at 19:33 comment added JonH @Shog9 curious where the podcasts are posted? Are they now on the company blog?
Jan 5, 2016 at 18:56 comment added Shog9 You'll just have to listen to find out...
Jan 5, 2016 at 18:15 comment added JonH Just chiming in that I'd be interested in the podcast - hopefully they don't mention my dreaded name with all the bug reports - or maybe thats a good thing.
Jan 5, 2016 at 17:51 comment added Pekka @Shog9 ohhh yes. I learned to appreciate the purpose of diggers - even though I'm happy to do this without one, nothing better than free exercise
Jan 5, 2016 at 17:48 comment added Shog9 sounds like a project I undertook last year. Nothing like moving a hill by hand to make you appreciate the natural beauty of erosion.
Jan 5, 2016 at 17:46 comment added Pekka @Shog cool, looking forward to it. I still have loads of dirt to shovel and listening to podcasts alongside is fun!
Jan 5, 2016 at 17:45 comment added Pekka @Laura I'll try to write something up later!
Jan 5, 2016 at 17:39 comment added Shog9 You're gonna love the next podcast, @Pekka웃 - an interview with one of the developers behind Integration, and some discussions of the philosophy at work. To be released any day now.
Jan 5, 2016 at 17:25 comment added Laura @Pekka웃 could you elaborate on why the "growing fusion of Stack Overflow proper and Careers" is such a big source of discomfort for you? What specifically (features or behaviors) are you afraid we'll introduce? How would they make your life worse? We definitely need to communicate more and better, but it would also help to know in more detail what you're afraid we'll do so we can address those things head-on. (E.g., I don't want us to be like LinkedIn where anyone can pay us to message anyone with a profile. But that might not be what you mean when you say "like LinkedIn".)
Jan 5, 2016 at 17:04 comment added Pekka I'm sure more communication would do a lot to dissipate the problem @Shog9. Frequent blog posts; perhaps a separate podcast highlighting various teams within the company, and revealing some of the strategic thoughts behind whatever changes are happening? SO has always been super transparent about so many things, why not about strategy, too, to some extent?
Jan 5, 2016 at 17:03 comment added Pekka For the record, I don't mind unknown territory at all. I don't agree with all those here who say that new things need to solve a clearly stated problem; many great innovations didn't. I just don't want to see the place subtly changed, long term, into a second coming of LinkedIn. With tens of millions of VC capital that eventually will want to see bottom line results, I think the community is somewhat justified in being distrustful about strategic changes - even though the team (at least those I know) is genuinely interested in building a product that makes the Internet better.
Jan 5, 2016 at 17:02 comment added JonH I am also removing my down vote because I see your issue more with the comments side of it.
Jan 5, 2016 at 17:00 comment added JonH ...will get better.
Jan 5, 2016 at 17:00 comment added JonH @Shog9 - I think you are right...but you hit the nail on the head as you mentioned this is unknown territory. I think this is a pretty natural thing, including the responses here. It's pretty natural people become uncomfortable with changes they aren't accustomed too, especially big ones. This is a very big one...the bigger one was integrating jobs into SO. Truly I believe that the latter one so far to me is gaining traction. Not just by me, but others on the site. I don't have access to the analytics behind it, but I'd bet within time and within people becoming accustomed to things it..
Jan 5, 2016 at 17:00 comment added Pekka @JonH If you were seeing some sort of changes that hindered Q&A I'd agree with you. But I see quite the opposite. that is a fair point.
Jan 5, 2016 at 16:55 comment added Shog9 Well, maybe that's part of the problem, @JonH. We've spent an awful lot of time trumpeting work like this (because we're in unknown territory and desperately need feedback), but not so much when it comes to the more incremental changes to Q&A - unless you're following status-completed across meta sites, changes there are a lot less noticeable. For years we've made a point to make some sort of improvement every week, but we're not always so good about announcing it. Maybe a year-end wrap-up would help?
Jan 5, 2016 at 16:55 comment added Pekka @Hynes I don't disbelieve the poll, I'm just not sure it can/should be reasonably used as a justification for making Careers a super prominent feature.
Jan 5, 2016 at 16:52 comment added JonH @Pekka웃 - Money is needed to pay rent, to pay for heat (it isn't cheap and NY is cold), to pay awesome programmers. To me Q&A has not changed any differently than it has been (aside from great features). I mean be honest, the Q&A here is pretty awesome. It's amazingly fast, its amazingly simple, and each day minor changes are noticed that makes Q&A all the better. If you were seeing some sort of changes that hindered Q&A I'd agree with you. But I see quite the opposite. I also see a lot of the developers / designers always mention that they are sticking to ensuring Q&A is awesome.
Jan 5, 2016 at 16:46 comment added Shog9 I understand the concern, but I think a lot of this comes down to how badly we've communicated the goals for and problems with Careers in the past. Internally, keeping it at arm's length has meant a lot of duplicated effort and a lot of wasted effort on both the Careers and core Q&A dev teams; this is bad for everyone - even if you're not interested in Careers, the fact that we've spent years pouring resources into people and projects that can't ever benefit Q&A should be worrying. That made sense when it was a couple people working on an experimental project, but... It ain't 2010 anymore.
Jan 5, 2016 at 16:45 comment added Pekka @JonH I'm not sure my post could be reasonably classified as "rant." I'm just feeling a certain amount of unease behind the recent changes around Careers, fearing that there may be a long-term strategy that is more influenced by VCs' goals than "making the Internet a better place" (and is designed to give Careers more emphasis in the ecosystem than it should have.) Whether that fear is justified, I don't know; it may not be. But right now, I have it
Jan 5, 2016 at 16:42 comment added Hynes @Pekka웃 Why do you "find the 40% statistic very questionable"? SO polled users with this question. Forty percent of those who responded said they were interested in hearing about job opportunities. Unless you're saying Stack Overflow is lying to you.
Jan 5, 2016 at 16:31 comment added JonH A giant link? Its the same size as the other links. Your rant is not justified if that is your're whining now.
Jan 5, 2016 at 16:31 comment added Pekka @JonH a giant link in the main menu doesn't satisfy my definition of "separate".
Jan 5, 2016 at 16:29 comment added JonH I don't know what you want out of this based on what you have entered. It is seperate, if you don't want a job or aren't looking for a job don't click the jobs link.
Jan 5, 2016 at 16:27 history answered Pekka CC BY-SA 3.0