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I've been ambivalent about the CV and actually toggle it between being public and private for that reason.

SO for me, has been a place I can come to for relaxation, education and to improve my programming skills. In fact the more pressure I'm under in my (outside SO life) programming the more questions I answer here, as a stress relief. So the idea of integrating my escape and refuge with my employment is counter productive for my experience here.

And just having it there and all the fan fare does feel like pressure from S.E.

It also feels like a sell out, it's a way for S.E. to make more $, get more views and expand it's platform. The one thing S.E. does better than anywhere (in my opinion) is have an online programming repository and Q&A site, it does this the best, and I honestly don't believe many of the other areas S.E. branches into are not comparable to S.O. and the like, I think trying to be all things to all people (or as many as possible in this case) somehow degrades the credibility of the site.

Oh and once I started to fill out my cv, I cannot eliminate the technologies I want to work with, it only provides for a min of two tags, so it's not optional to opt out.

I've been ambivalent about the CV and actually toggle it between being public and private for that reason.

SO for me, has been a place I can come to for relaxation, education and to improve my programming skills. In fact the more pressure I'm under in my (outside SO life) programming the more questions I answer here, as a stress relief. So the idea of integrating my escape and refuge with my employment is counter productive for my experience here.

And just having it there and all the fan fare does feel like pressure from S.E.

It also feels like a sell out, it's a way for S.E. to make more $, get more views and expand it's platform. The one thing S.E. does better than anywhere (in my opinion) is have an online programming repository and Q&A site, it does this the best, and I honestly don't believe many of the other areas S.E. branches into are not comparable to S.O. and the like, I think trying to be all things to all people (or as many as possible in this case) somehow degrades the credibility of the site.

I've been ambivalent about the CV and actually toggle it between being public and private for that reason.

SO for me, has been a place I can come to for relaxation, education and to improve my programming skills. In fact the more pressure I'm under in my (outside SO life) programming the more questions I answer here, as a stress relief. So the idea of integrating my escape and refuge with my employment is counter productive for my experience here.

And just having it there and all the fan fare does feel like pressure from S.E.

It also feels like a sell out, it's a way for S.E. to make more $, get more views and expand it's platform. The one thing S.E. does better than anywhere (in my opinion) is have an online programming repository and Q&A site, it does this the best, and I honestly don't believe many of the other areas S.E. branches into are not comparable to S.O. and the like, I think trying to be all things to all people (or as many as possible in this case) somehow degrades the credibility of the site.

Oh and once I started to fill out my cv, I cannot eliminate the technologies I want to work with, it only provides for a min of two tags, so it's not optional to opt out.

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I've been ambivalent about the CV and actually toggle it between being public and private for that reason.

SO for me, has been a place I can come to for relaxation, education and to improve my programming skills. In fact the more pressure I'm under in my (outside SO life) programming the more questions I answer here, as a stress relief. So the idea of integrating my escape and refuge with my employment is counter productive for my experience here.

And just having it there and all the fan fare does feel like pressure from S.E.

It also feels like a sell out, it's a way for S.E. to make more $, get more views and expand it's platform. The one thing S.E. does better than anywhere (in my opinion) is have an online programming repository and Q&A site, it does this the best, and I honestly don't believe many of the other areas S.E. branches into are not comparable to S.O. and the like, I think trying to be all things to all people (or as many as possible in this case) somehow degrades the credibility of the site.