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Robert Columbia's user avatar
Robert Columbia's user avatar
Robert Columbia
  • Member for 7 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
412 votes

Update: an agreement with Monica Cellio

132 votes

The Windows Phone SE site has been archived

121 votes

Feedback post: Moderator review and reinstatement processes

115 votes

Could Stack Exchange be less American-centric?

79 votes

Is there a list of ChatGPT or other AI-related discussions and policies for our sites?

74 votes

Feedback post: Moderator review and reinstatement processes

74 votes

New post lock available on meta sites: Policy Lock

70 votes

How to disentangle the CoC discussion from the Monica issue?

53 votes

Who cut the cheese?

51 votes

An update on my resignation notice

51 votes

Checking in with "*Monica*" users

41 votes

Announcing the Stack Overflow Student Ambassador Program

40 votes

Feedback for The Loop: March 2020

36 votes

New post lock available on meta sites: Policy Lock

32 votes

The ship is sinking, but communication is down (need orders from the captain (CEO))

30 votes

Is repeatedly clearing and reinstating a bounty as a moderator considered abuse?

24 votes

Ban ChatGPT network-wide

22 votes

How could we improve our planned post notice improvements?

21 votes

What should be the reply when a user declares they are becoming inactive?

20 votes

When should I use <kbd> vs [tag:tagname]?

18 votes

We'd like your feedback on our new Code of Conduct!

18 votes

We are updating our Code of Conduct and we would like your feedback

17 votes

What should we do with [glossary]?

16 votes

Why is there no

15 votes

Does the Code of Conduct prohibit content justifying war crimes?

15 votes

An apology to our community, and next steps

15 votes

Feedback for The Loop - May 2020

14 votes

Special checkbox to indicate questions people have while wresting with problems related to COVID response

13 votes

Closed as a duplicate, but the duplicate list is empty?

13 votes

Feedback post: New moderator reinstatement and appeal process revisions