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Laurel's user avatar
Laurel's user avatar
Laurel's user avatar
  • Member for 8 years, 3 months
  • Last seen this week
211 votes

Stack Overflow at WeAreDevelopers World Congress in Berlin

90 votes

New colors launched

84 votes

Did anyone consider the impact on autistics of recent Code of Conduct changes?

66 votes

Winter Bash 2018 Knitting

57 votes

New colors launched

52 votes

New Post Notices rollout on Stack Overflow

40 votes

Our Design Vision for Stack Overflow and the Stack Exchange network

40 votes

My brain cannot ignore the ignored questions due to contrast change. Please change it back

40 votes

Updated: Mobile app infrastructure has been decommissioned

38 votes

The Follow Questions and Answers feature is now live across the Network

35 votes

"Stack Overflow Isn't Very Welcoming" especially [...] marginalized groups?

31 votes

Give us back the light green box for accepted answers. It can be accessible too!

30 votes

Can I use a Spoof/Parody version of the StackOverflow logo?

26 votes

Are there any great reasons for or against having a paid for tier for the main SE sites, and what could that entail?

26 votes

Updating the Hot Network Questions List - now with a bit more network and a little less "hotness"!

26 votes

New Staff and Mod Labels on site metas and Meta Stack Exchange

25 votes

Are there some ways to prevent abuse from moderators?

24 votes

Sunsetting Winter/Summer Bash: Rationale and Next Steps

24 votes

Why are specific close reasons no longer shown to users?

24 votes

Custom Filters release announcement

23 votes

Allowing images from external sources opens doors to serious security exploits and privacy risks

22 votes

Is it worthwhile to try to engage spammers?

22 votes

Now live: A fully responsive profile

21 votes

Now live: A fully responsive profile

21 votes

If development on the Stack Exchange iOS/Android apps has ceased indefinitely, what should we do to their bug reports and feature requests?

21 votes

How do I make a sub-heading?

20 votes

What was the first Stack Exchange site created?

20 votes

New flag for ChatGPT answers

19 votes

Shouldn't users who are unfairly banned be compensated somehow?

18 votes

Feedback/suggestions for new flagging page in user profile

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