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JNat's user avatar
JNat's user avatar
  • Member for 11 years, 6 months
  • Last seen this week
101 votes

More than 15k bottles of Viagra from Kenya, asking 110+ people for money, seriously?

74 votes

What happened to that contest swag I was promised?

46 votes

After the recent CM departures, are there plans to shut down network sites or Area 51?

45 votes

Is there an Area 51 policy on offering money to people who follow or commit to their proposals?

43 votes

What features did the Community Team discuss, have implemented, or have denied last month?

42 votes

Show both sides of the conversation on-site when a moderator contacts a CM

38 votes

Who has the privilege to delete a revision?

37 votes

What is the process regarding moderator inactivity removals?

36 votes

Ticket smash for [status-review] tag: Part Deux

36 votes

What happened to that contest swag I was promised?

35 votes

What processes exist to issue formal warnings or remove moderators?

26 votes

What is the process for a moderator to request reinstatement or appeal a removal?

23 votes

Deletion by someone outside the community

23 votes

Hide previously suspended nominations unless approved by Community Managers

21 votes

All my Stack accounts got mysteriously deleted

21 votes

What posts should be escalated to staff using [status-review], and how do I escalate them?

19 votes

I'm entitled to a cheese board? Really?

18 votes

One watch, two watches, three watches.. If I get three will someone get none?

17 votes

Stuff-A-Way swag held by customs and they want a detailed list of the content

17 votes

Explicitly mention the consequences of the different user destruction options

17 votes

Will there be Community Promotion Ads in 2021, if so when?

15 votes

Will there be Community Promotion Ads in 2020, if so when?

15 votes

I did not receive any email asking for my address for the "Amazing 2018 Stuff-A-Way" swag - what to do?

15 votes

Can we view the internal SE support tickets, and if not can the link please be removed?

14 votes

Could we have a Help Center page on disassociating posts?

14 votes

What will happen to a site if the product it is based on is no longer relevant?

13 votes

Give moderators easier access to annotations and CM escalations on deleted accounts

13 votes

Difference between private and public beta

13 votes

Will we get a "2022: a year in moderation & closing" post this year?

12 votes

Can CM pings show up the same way annotations do?