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genesis's user avatar
genesis's user avatar
genesis's user avatar
  • Member for 13 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than 7 years ago
  • Czech Republic
381 votes

Jon Skeet now #2 in Reputation Leagues!

32 votes

Feature Idea: Points for Trying

23 votes

No URL Shorteners?

19 votes

Did Stack Overflow get designed by Jeff and Joel?

14 votes

Adding a flag to inform readers a question is not open to suggestions

14 votes

Since when did the Community user edit posts?

13 votes

The Global Network Auto-Login cognitive trap

12 votes

How quickly should I respond to answers I receive?

11 votes

How do top users have time to answer several thousand questions? Do they get paid for that?

11 votes

How do I display image in a post on Stack Overflow?

9 votes

Remove the "Quorum" badge

7 votes

How to add a tag to the front page/favorites when browsing

7 votes

Is it acceptable to ask a user a question by editing one of their posts?

7 votes

Hiring StackOverflow users with high ranking

6 votes

Randomize answer ordering during first 15 mins to prevent "hasty upvoting"

6 votes

Is it wrong to edit someone else's question if everyone is missing the point of the question?

6 votes

shortening url's of stackoverflow Q and A

6 votes

Should I edit an accepted answer to link to my library?

6 votes

how to correctly flag (or vote to close?) the "please-give-me-the-code" questions?

5 votes

Hide questions with a specific tag

5 votes

What does the numbers after the reputation score mean?

5 votes

When are notifications generated?

5 votes

Will facebook.stackoverflow have its own moderators to clean up the likely flood of low quality & duplicate questions?

5 votes

Not allow adding a tag to the box once it already exists

4 votes

Let's make it easier to reply within comments!

4 votes

Any way to see which downvote was reversed?

4 votes

How to change name in Stack Overflow?

4 votes

Where should I ask Node.js related questions?

4 votes

How can I change my avatar back from my custom one to the default one with a random pattern?

4 votes

Why does this suggested edit's character count not agree with the diff?